Aug 18, 2011

Snippets of School Stuff

Even though she's really only been one day so far, Anna LOVES going to MDO.  She's told me so several times.  I think seeing Noah come and go to school every day has built up the practice in her mind.  She prances around the house with her little backpack on.  It's all so new and exciting to her.  You'd never guess she has 1.5 years of MDO under her belt already at another place.  She doesn't remember it, clearly, because she was so young then and she hasn't been back since last December.  

Today I start carpooling with a good friend in the neighborhood, Cindy.  She is gonna pick Anna up and deliver her to MDO along with her daughter, Claire.  Then, after I pick up Noah in the afternoon, I'll be picking up Claire and Anna from MDO.  Works out perfect - saves me an extra trip into Gallatin twice a week and it saves Cindy from having to wake up her baby boy from his nap in the afternoon to pick up Claire.  Noah's a little jealous, though, that we'll be seeing Claire without him around. While she's right in between Noah's and Anna's ages, she's always interacted more with Noah than Anna.  I'm hoping Anna will step up and start participating in playgroups more this year so she can build some friendships as well instead of just being someone else's little sister in the group. :)

This morning I finally plucked up the nerve to drop Noah off at school in the drop-off lane instead of walking him inside myself.  I grinned and thanked the Lord for the reassurance I got on his behalf when the principal himself was the one who opened Noah's door to get out and greeted him warmly and then said to me, "I LIKE this little guy!"  That was just what the momma of the littlest kindergartner needed to hear the first time she let him go into school solo.  It reassured me that he's not lost in the crowd or looked over.  And I grinned all the way home.

We have Noah's school's Open House tonight.  Josh and I are really looking forward to that.  I have so many questions! 

Noah is taking awhile to adjust to our new morning routine.  There's just not time to play like he is used to.  Mostly, he misses getting to spend time with Chewie.  BUT, now that we have eliminated video games from his after school activities, Noah will be more than able to make up for the lost time. :)

And oh my word - I have got to get used to making time to do homework with Noah.  That is such a new part of our day.  We've done academic activities before, of course, but now there is accountability added to it!  Feels so weird. Good, just weird.


Cindy said...

Drop-off went great. The girls talked to each other and to Ben while we drove. They each wanted to carry their own backpack. I held Ben in one arm, Anna's hand with the other, and Claire held Anna's other hand so we were like a very slow train walking into the building. We dropped Anna off first (had to wait in line) and she went right in and didn't look back. They still didn't have their ID cards ready.

Kimberly said...

I grinned so big reading through this list of drop-off details. :) Thanks for cluing me in - I was so curious how it went! :) Still grinning. :)

Somehow (wink,wink) not surprised about the id cards not being ready.

Emily said...

hehe! It does feel weird to drop your little 5 yr off with confidence that they'll be confident enough to make it to their classroom. But before tomorrow, you're gonna be like, "score! I dont' have to get dressed to drop off the kids!!!" haha :)

Kimberly said...

Well, that's for sure, Emily. I'm like, "score", already.