Apr 21, 2009

WPTM #11: Bless His Heart

What Parenting Teaches Me #11: Bless His Heart

Currently, Noah only bothers to use the potty when he remembers one little thing - that it makes Mommy happy. After he uses the potty, and in the midst of his big boy euphoria, he checks with me to make sure. He says, "Mommy happy Noah poopoo ah potty?" and I reassure him to the nth degree that I am soooo happy he is being a big boy. Yesterday, Noah completed a puzzle and I bragged on him for doing it all by himself and for doing it so quickly. He then asked me (in so and so many toddler words) if I was happy. I said yes, I was so happy. And this reminded him (again) that I am ALSO happy when he goes on the potty. That settled it. He let me know that he wanted to go use the potty. Anything to make Mommy more happy.

And I take from this an example of how my heart should be toward the Lord's. I should be driven, like Noah is with me, to do things that I know bless the heart of God. I need to want to do things just because they make Him happy. So I am going to be thinking more along those lines when it comes to decision making, attitude choosing, and in a million other little ways throughout the day. That's where I am at - tutored by a toddler yet again...and loving it.


Emily said...

that's really sweet! He's such a sweet boy!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

So true. And yet so easily forgotten. Often I think of what will make me happy or those around me happy when the one I should be trying to please is Him.