Apr 27, 2009

When Noah was a Baby

It is times like now that I especially regret not starting blogging sooner in Noah's life. Here he is turning 3 and I have pulled together a great list to record this time of his life, but I have nothing to show for the first two birthdays....at least not in keeping with my new blogging documentation. But, since I have been a list keeper for years and years and years, it is not surprising that I was able to dig up two lists for Noah that I stashed in his Life Book. One for his first year, the other for his second. Now they are nowhere near as detailed as I would have preferred, but they will suffice for playing a bit of listing catch up. This post lists some memories of Noah during his first year of life.

When Noah was a little baby:

He had so many scratches on his face at the hospital

He got hiccups at least 4 times a day
He liked to watch TV
He had the startle reflex really bad
His feet always shaped like they were praying

He grunted
He squealed
He was a noisy sleeper
He made an adorable little o shape with his mouth

His neck was never visible under his stocky head and body
He made this nerve-wrecking choking sound when he yawned
He would open one eye and leave the other closed
He hated diaper changes
He was such a good eater....ate anything we fed him

He liked being swaddled
He used a paci
He was diagnosed with a milk allergy at 3 mos.
He was so laid back in temperment

He was soothed by music at bedtime
He was a hard sleeper
He sort of hummed while he drank his bottles
He had loud burps and he spit up regularly
He tooted all the time
He slept so soundly when he was on Josh's chest

He was perfectly content outside in the heat
His pointer finger would always stick out
He was an easy, easy, easy baby
His first book was Water, Water, Everywhere (I still know it by heart)
He loved his swing and slept in it often

When Noah was a little bit older baby:

He was diagnosed with excema and urticaria
He was prescribed asthma medication but not quite declared asthmatic
He got his first haircut at 9 mos. but needed it way sooner!

He met his birth parents at 7 mos. old

He loved to hear me sing the ABC's
He put himself to sleep really well at night
He snored already
He began using a nebulizer at 9 mos.
He would sleep sitting up

He adored swinging and riding his wagon
He always seemed to be broken out around his mouth
He frequently called out "oooooh, ooooooh"
He loved to bump heads with Mimmie
He first fell in love with bubbles
He loved riding the 4 wheeler with Josh

He would wiggle in the bath from the waist down like a fish
He loved books, books, books
He was always drenched in DROOL, DROOL, DROOL
He used his carseat carrier all the way til his 1st b'day
His first spanking had to come over a little spitting habit
His first words were "dadadadada"

He liked to suck on lemons at restaurants
The sound of Velcro ripping really freaked him out
He first started getting stranger anxiety in the nursery at church
He would strain real hard in the face to show discontent
He would dance and dance at his little play table

He first rolled over at 10 mos.
He first crawled at 11 mos.
He got his first tooth at 12 mos.
He first pulled up to standing at 13 mos.
He was diagnosed with milk, peanut, egg, dog and cat allergies at 13 mos.

He started headbanging in his crib to get to sleep
He would bang his head on the ground when he got mad at us
And as he still does to this day, he loved baths

This post just would not have been complete without a naked baby picture. :)


Emily said...

Awe that was so much fun! That last picture I don't think I've ever seen! Good list!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

What a fun list! And the "o" picture with his mouth cracks me up... it's so similar to his singing "o" mouth in your sidebar. :)

The White Family said...

I loved the pictures! I can't believe that he is almost 3! I can't believe you've been gone from Duluth for that long, too! Also, I would never guess that he was adopted if I did not know because he looks so much like Josh and you to me!

Joshua said...

Fun trip down memory lane! We didn't realize how easy of a baby Noah really was until Anna came along.

Unknown said...

What a precious baby you had there. I loved that list too! The wiggling in the bath sounds too cute for words.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Noah!!!!

Laura Koslowsky said...

Good for you keeping such great track of your memmories! That's not my gift, so I really admire those who do :) Noah as a baby really reminds me a lot of David as a baby...easy going, asthma/allergy issues, on the late side for getting teeth & standing/walking ect. At the age of 3, David hit a REALLY challenging stage though. Hope the same isn't true for Noah :) Happy 3rd birthday, Noah!

Kimberly said...

Laura - I am afraid your forewarning will come very true! Josh and I were just saying a couple months ago how NOT terrible the two's were with Noah. Your David days in his threes sound like they might be on our way. :)