Apr 24, 2009

Couple of Firsts

FIRST of all, Anna will be 7 mos. old tomorrow. It sounds so old in terms of babies. Second, she sat up on her own for the FIRST time today (meaning she got herself in that position on her own instead of me getting her there). I checked in on her on the baby monitor and there she was sittin' up in her crib and looking a little surprised at herself as well. I am just sorry I missed seeing how she got there. Third, she sat in her FIRST restaurant high chair today and carried it off with such grace and balance. :) And another FIRST I wish I had videoed was Josh finagling his little girl into her FIRST jean skirt. It was sassy and precious all at the same time...the skirt that is, not Josh. :) He kind of grimaced his way through dressing her in her female-type clothes. So funny. Oh yeah, those little sandals on Anna's feet in the pictures are her FIRST pair of shoes (that aren't baby booties) being worn for the FIRST time ever. And she just started holding her bottle by herself for the FIRST time this week. Ok. So all that was more than a couple firsts.

Here are some pics of our outing today. We hit the play fountain, the carwash (which is no small terror for Noah, but at least he kept his eyes open this time and was so proud of himself for being brave), and a little italian place we really like. I don't have a picture of the coke Anna spilled all over the table and me and herself before we left though. But you can imagine the squealing and crying. Oh, Anna squealed a little herself too. :) That ice cold coke gave us both a shock.

Oh, look at those cheeks! I can't believe he is only a week away from 3! Expect some lists about Noah this coming week for sure!


Emily said...

LOVE that last picture of Noah grinning! What a handsome boy! Can you believe you're about to have a 3 year old? I can't believe it!

Alison said...

7 months - yikes! Time is moving too quickly!!

Amy Faye Brown said...

She looks more like you every day. Look at those legs. She's gonna give Beka a run for the money. Bek is now 5'8.5" and we have trouble finding t-shirts long enough to cover her extremely long torso. aaron has taken to drawing pictures with her depicted as a giraffe or a mountain(i guess because he feels so dwarfed by her).

Kimberly said...

Amy: 5 foot 8 and a half?! She is only a quarter of an inch shorter than me! Wow! And the giraffe bit cracks me up. :)