Apr 16, 2009

Anna on Mute

Is it bad that I am really entertained by the fact that Anna has lost her voice this morning?

She tries to cry or scream or squeal as usual but all that comes out is a strained strand of air with a few gutteral sounds of frustration. She wonders why she can't hear herself. She is angry to not be able to call the shots with her cries. Her face turns so red and twisted and mad, but not a sound comes out.

So sad for her, but still, a little funny to watch.
My poor baby. I better go pick her up.


Emily said...

yes! Go pick that baby up!!! Poor sweet Anna...how will you hear her at night? You may be training her for sleeping all night without even knowing it!

Unknown said...

Awww. I think it's totally fine to enjoy the semi-quietness. I would. You're still meeting her needs.