Apr 15, 2009

Can't Win

Today is one of those days where you just can't win.

Reason #1. We bought a sidetable today. When we got home, we realized that Pier 1 had given us the smaller table when we had asked for the bigger table. We put it together still and decided we like the smaller table after all. One problem still...they charged us for the bigger table. So now we have to go back and get the charge corrected.

Reason #2. Anna is back at the pediatrician AGAIN. Josh took her to the after hours appt. When he gets there, gets signed it, and settled, they come over the intercom and say the dr. had an emergency and will not get back to the appts. for another 45 minutes. Good grief. Does he stay and wait and hope for the best, does he head home and try again tomorrow? We opted for the stay and wait.

Reason #3. I head out to get dinner to take to Josh while he is in the waiting room. I order my chik-fil-a sandwich plain with cheese. That means NO PICKLE. You know as well as I do that that means that sandwich was piled high with more pickles than they even put on the regularly ordered sandwiches. Gross.

Reason #4. Noah is not sick with the cold he has so kindly passed on to Anna, but he is whinier now than he was then. And I am home alone with the whiny king who will not eat his dinner and who cries at the drop of a hat. He is in time out right now (again) taking big dramatic breaths to let me know he is done crying and ready to get up. Guess I'll go and see if he is ready to eat yet. A boy cannot live on cookies and orange juice alone...and yet that is all Noah seems to have eaten all day.

Update. Reason #5. Noah put too much chicken nugget in his mouth and had to spit half of it out already chewed. Then he put the half chewed meat back in his mouth to finish the job. Eeew. Eeew. Eeew.

Update. Reason #6. Turns out Anna has yet another ear infection. Great.


Emily said...

You crack me up! I was totally picturing Noah in time out dramatically gasping for air...haha. that boy. So sorry Anna got sick too. At least now you can get her treated and better. How many has she had?

Alison said...

Cheese on a chick-fil-a sandwich??? Never heard of such a thing...

Kimberly said...

Emily: She had the double ear infection in January. And now this one in April. Does a double ear infection count as two? :)

Alison: I love it that way. Just meat, cheese, and bread. I do cheeseburgers that way, too.

Heather said...

Hey Kimmie...I can say that a double ear infection just counts as one, even though it's double the pain. Keep a watch for more ear infections. After having Zach get ear tubes after 10 (!!!) ear infections, I wish we had done it SOOO much earlier. I hate all the antibiotics!!! This was over the course of his whole life, but still, he is only 22 months! If this continues...ear tubes is totally the way to go...in my non professional opinion! I think it's like 5 ear infections in 9 months or 6 in one year they like to do it. Long story why Zach had so many before ear tubes. But to now think that he won't have any more at all. If he gets some drainage, it comes out his ear and then we just give him drops in his ear. What an amazing relief!!

Kimberly said...

Heather: That is EXACTLY what I was saying to Josh this morning...that next time she gets one we go ahead and see how soon we can get her some tubes! Your story is one I don't want to have to live. Poor Zachary.

Heather said...

As simple as the procedure is and how freeing it is for the child (and parents too) I don't know why they don't recommend it sooner!!

Unknown said...

what a day! I tell ya, the fact that you have enough mental power to blog just amazes me. It must be a good form of venting. I hope it all gets better. I hate it when fast food places mess up your order. It's not like you can just go back if you're not close or you have kiddos in the car. I hate those pickles too. I hate it even more when some places simply take the pickle off and you can still taste it. bluuuuch!

Kimberly said...

Shannon: I am so there with you on what you said about still tasting the pickle when they just remove it instead of making a sandwich without it to begin with!

Funny fact: I love pickles! Just not warm, and NOT on my sandwiches. I have even been known to sip pickle juice with a spoon. Strange, but true.