Apr 4, 2009

The (Not-So) Exciting Conclusion

Well, in the words of my father-in-law, "It's a virus."

Anna's lab results came back negative for a UTI, so the next best guess that the pediatrician is going with is that it must have just been a virus. All that drama, all those tests, and it just ends up to have been a virus. I swear the field of medicine is just a guessing game half the time.

Anyway, we seem to be in the clear, so thanks for your prayers for a healthy Anna. We think, we THINK, we are good to go now. :)

P.S. - Strange but true happening: Anna, now at 6 mos., will suddenly take a paci and is in a really good mood lately. Ever since that purple and shaking epidose and the ER. Weird. But we'll take it. Happy Anna is way more fun to have around.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Ugh... sounds like some "not fun" days. So glad to hear that Happy Anna is now living at your house... even if "Princess Pissed-Off" sounds funnier. :)