Apr 5, 2011

Precious Moments

When I was out with Anna last week, a woman commented to me how cute she thought Anna was and that Anna looks just like one of those Precious Moments figurines.  She asked if I get told that a lot. 

No, actually, but the more I think about it, I think that's the best likeness I have heard for her.  She really does look like a Precious Moment! (And she totally did that day with her low piggie tails toward the back of her head with bows as big as her ears.)

More to the point - she just plain IS a precious moment.  

Even today with a 101 fever - it means I get extra cuddles while she is still and quiet.

Then again, maybe not on those cuddles - she just cried out, "I need costumes!" and bolted for the playroom.  Apparently it's important that she dress like Ruby while she watches her on TV.


Memaw said...

That girl will go far in life!

Emily said...

:) She is a porcelin (sp?) doll little girl

Cindy said...

She DOES look exactly like a Precious Moments doll!