Apr 12, 2011

Book Fair Find

Noah took in his first Scholastic Book Fair at school yesterday.  Josh and I got taken in, too.  We spent $20+ on that giant Lego Star Wars book Noah fell in love-at-first-sight with.  It's possible we weren't thinking clearly.  Shortage of air maybe - probably from all of Noah's elated gasping at the sight of any and every thing Star Wars.

Luckily, it has turned out to be $20 well spent.  That boy has looked at his "magazine" about a hundred times in 24 hours.  As soon as he gets to the last page, he flips back to the first and starts over again.  He enjoys having company to look at his treasure with as well.  Right now, Noah is at the allergist getting his bi-weekly shots.  Guess what he took along to show his favorite nurse, Mrs. Millie?  Yep, his new book.

If we'd been thinking clearly, we'd have gotten it and saved it for a killer birthday present.  Then again, we like to do early birthday gift teasers in this family anyway.  Anyhoo, we keep getting paid back in exclamations, shrieks, grins, finger points, comments, and thanks.  Happy Early Birthday, Noah.

Lego Star Wars - my boy's year in a nutshell.  I can't wait to see his face when he opens his new Wii and matching Star Wars game.  :)


Emily said...

what fun!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Oh my. I lived for book fairs as a kid. Loved them. And let me tell you, if my parents had bought me a $20 book like the one you bought Noah I never would have forgotten it. Never. He's a lucky little man. And I completely agree, it was $20 well spent. :)