Apr 17, 2011

Odds and Ends

Don't think me mean or cold, but one of our next-door neighbors just put their house on the market and I am so excited!  It's not that I am excited that they are leaving; I am just excited at the prospect of someone possibly moving in that will actually be ... neighborly.  And if they have kids our kids' age, all the better!

It cost me $70 just to fill the Acadia today!  One. Tank. of Gas.  :(

BUT, I did a Walgreens run to use some stacked coupons in conjunction with sales and FINALLY came away having saved more than I spent.  Spent $20, Saved $32 on all of this (and if it's not really a good value for the money, don't tell me!) :

Did you know we are finally throwing Noah his first birthday party?  We are!  And I am getting so excited for him.  He is, too. :)  Here's what the invite looks like and on the inside it says, Toot the Horn! Bang the Drum!  It's a Party!  Can you Come? 

How sweet are my babies here looking at Noah's book?  Noah would tell Anna what question to ask ("Anna, say, "What's dat?"), she would ask it, he'd tell her the answer, he'd tell her how to respond ("Anna, say, "Omigosh!"), and she would respond that way.  It was too funny. 

Noah is beginning to read now and it is music to my ears.  Oh my word, I love that this is one milestone that is coming so, so easily and naturally for him.  He may be small for his age, he may not be nighttime potty trained, he may not pronounce words correctly, but that boy is decoding and comprehending!  Those two things are a bigger (and better) deal, if you ask me!  I have a better video of him reading, but it was too long to upload.  :(

Some shots of the kids Easter egg hunting in the backyard today - in the sunshine for a change!


Emily said...

WE may do a backyard easter egg hunt too...we have too much too do this weekend preparing for Jack (I know, totally our fault for the procrastination up to Easter weekend) but they do have an egg hunt at school also....which is the SAME place our church has there's too...so I'm not too bummed about missing it.
I think it's funny how Anna's looking like she's in a hurry looking for the eggs :)LOL...
And Brooklyn's reading books now too! Lee's taken her to the library to find the "pre-reading" books...but they're amazing....she sounds out the words, and I'm totally there with you on the pride that comes with hearing your baby read sentences all on her own! And I also LOVE how she LOVES to read all her books too (they brought home EIGHT books from the library....)

Kimberly said...

Sentences? No, not us yet. Just words. I am just thrilled with the headstart he has on Kindergarten - which we register for next week! Yay!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Oh my stars. Hearing him sound out and figure out those words just makes my heart melt. I love that stage in a little kid's life. So, so, SO fun that you are getting to experience it with Noah. And so fun that he's having a birthday party! :)

Kimberly said...

You know, for 6 years we have repeatedly taken steps to try to adopt a grade-school child and been met with other ends. It's funny to me now to realize, "Hey, we have a grade-schooler after all!" (well, not totally technically, but practically, yes!) We're finally there! Ha!

Amy Faye Brown said...

He'll be in chapter books before you know it! Loved, loved, loved the video. It brought back sweet memories of my two. Beka was bringing home Junie B. Jones books by the second week of Kindergarten. She and Aaron are still avid readers, which I adore. In fact Aaron has been home sick today and has spent a few hours in the hammock book in hand. :)

Kimberly said...

So tell me - what literature do boys Aaron's age read? I can't even venture a guess.

Amy Faye Brown said...

He has discovered Gordon Korman and he likes a good who-dun-it if he kind one in the juvenile section.