Apr 26, 2011

Buyer's Remorse?

Noah got a birthday card and some birthday money today in the mail.  And he proudly carried his new $10 bill around all day - showing it to nurses, cashiers, passersby in the store.  He held it in his hands, his mouth, his pockets, and even trusted me enough to hold in my purse for 5 minutes before he took it back.  And to his credit he has kept up with it through multiple hours, errands, and stops today.

Finally, at Wal-mart, he found a toy worthy of spending his treasured $10 on.  A big ugly blue villain from the Spiderman series named Venom.  Truly, he is one scary looking character.  And truly, my boy is so pleased with his purchase; it's something he's been talking about for days.  But truly, only moments after handing his money over at the check-out counter, Noah walked behind me in the parking lot, new toy in hand, and said softly, "Mommy, I already miss my money."  

I know you do, Baby. 
We all do.


Emily said...

hahahahahahahah!!!!!! That may be a good lesson for in the years to come....save enough up so when you spend it, you can enjoy your purchase knowing you have more to spare.

Sweet boy sweet comment.

Memaw said...

Oh the possibilities available when we have a little money in our pocket. When it is gone, you wonder if you really got your money's worth. Love that sweet birthday boy! I know you all will have a great time this weekend and on your beach vacation!