Apr 3, 2011

State of the Sunday Report

The weather outside is a gloriously indulgent 60something and on its way to the 80s, I hear.

We stayed home from supper club last night and church this morning in lieu of Noah's sudden fever spike and fall and spike again.  He's feeling worlds better today and it showed as soon as he bounded out of bed as alive and chatty as ever.  Man alive, that boy can talk.

Josh is outside laying down and securing the border for what will be the ground cover around the kids' swing set.  It's looking so good.  I am having a hard time being patient for the final result.  Apparently it not as simple and just throwing down some mulch.  :)

Chewie is obsessed with SOMETHING under our porch and is driving himself (and us with him) crazy.  I admit to chasing him around with a stick and saying something embarrassingly southern like, "Git! Git!"  to make him cease and desist.

Anna keeps saying she is hungry but I refuse to feed her until lunch.  I am worn out, WORN OUT I tell you, with her not eating breakfast and then whining for food all morning.  Same goes for lunch and dinner sessions as well.  Time to let the natural consequences work their magic once and for all.

I am inside right now with a bright-sun induced migraine but I can already feel my precious Excedrine kicking in and my mood lifting with it.  And the kids are resting on the couch watching Caillou after our outside play the past hour.

I love the sound of mowers going outside.  I love the cheer that the spring sun brings with it.  I love me some winter weather, but I welcome the sounds and smells and sights of spring when the time comes, too. 

I went to a local nursery yesterday with a friend for my own private shrubbery tutorial.  It's possible I may really enjoy buying, placing, planting, and tending whatever we decide to put out front.  Josh got me some tomato plants yesterday and prepared our raised beds in the back and if it weren't for some severe weather coming tomorrow, I would plant them today.  I am sure Anna will be my trusty sidekick in that planting endeavor.  She's already put my new gardening tools to good work in her sandbox.

This is going to be such a fun summer, Josh and I can tell.  Every year that the kids get a little more capable with age, we all seem to have a little more fun.  With Anna pushing 3, we are home-free, baby!  I can't believe we are finally past the baby days ... well, excusing the fact that girlie still wears diapers most of the time.

Some of our new "Welcome Spring!" outside toys:
Bikes -  Noah actually has a blue bike of the same thing now ...  We totally dig these new training wheel-less and pedal-less models for them.  Their balance improves each ride in leaps and bounds!

A tire swing at last.

Twirly bar.



Memaw said...

Lady, you must have a handy-man husband or something. So fun. Sorry Noah has been sick. I have been
under the weather for a solid week now. Didn't make it to church today.
Taking antibiotics but this cough is a doosie(I guess that's how you spell it.) I did get two new red rose bushes this week that I hope to plant tomorrow. My squash are blooming. You will soon be a master gardener.

Kimberly said...

Speaking of, I learned about Knock Out Roses yesterday. :) Never heard of them before in my life. But now I know there could be hope for me in the floral world with a rose like that!

Amy Faye Brown said...

I want to come play!