Apr 14, 2011

Girlie's First Gown

Our sleeping beauty in her first ever nightgown last night.  

Nevermind that it's a little worn and only cost $2 at the consignment sale the other night.  She is enamored with the thrill of a new sort of pj.  And I'm enamored at her enamorement. Why has it never occurred to us before to try out sweet nightgowns on our girl?  I swear, sometimes we can be such boneheads.  Clearly, little girls were meant to sleep in darling nightgowns.  Someone point me to the nearest children's clothing store!


Emily said...

*big grin* I love your bonehead comment :) haha! Yes, girls like their nightgowns! Both of mine do!

Amy Faye Brown said...

Somewhere I still have a couple of Beka's old gowns from when she was around a year old...nothing sweeter than her chubby slick-headed self in a frilly gown.

Memaw said...

I still have little boy pajamas in my cedar chest that are about 36(?)years old. No sweet little gowns, however.
Don't you know she is not our baby anymore, she's our little girl.