Apr 6, 2011

Good and Glad

Except for the Strep Throat diagnosis Anna brought home from the doctor today after her several days of fever, things have been quite bright around here.  Josh came home from his trip a day early.  We got his new and updated TN teaching certificate in the mail.  I didn't have to cook dinner.  Noah got some new army men toys he's been pining after.  We finally know how to make Anna feel better. And the weather is just plain glorious.  It put us all in a good mood this afternoon.

So while Anna napped and waited for her first dose of antibiotic to kick in, Josh, Noah, and I headed out back to plant some things and fix the gate. The tomatoes were my babies; the cucumber seeds were Noah's; the gate was Josh's job ... well, that and teaching me how to plant my plants and overseeing Noah's seed distribution. :)

When Anna woke up from her nap, she caught me painting my toes and wanted to get in on that action.  So oblige her I did.  Anything to make her sit still and rest a little longer.

That amoxicillin worked fast - one dose and a nap and she was off to the races again - worlds apart from her lethargic and shaky demeanor this morning.  So glad for that!


Laura Koslowsky said...

Ah, breaking out the toe nail polish. I'm jealous. Still too cold here for that. I can feel it coming soon though and my toes (and Leah's) can't wait.

Emily said...

So glad to hear she's feeling better! I was gonna say, rosy cheeks were another of Brooklyn's "tell tale sign" that she had strep...or a fever, which was only ever strep or really gross tonsillitis.
Those gardens look great! Lee and I want to do those type of gardens too, but just haven't gotten around to it. I'm motivated now....well except for looking at you and and josh all stooped over and bending....that doesn't appeal to me at all until after this "bowling ball" as lee calls is exits my body.
Fun summer-y post!