Apr 29, 2011

Kindergarten Registration!

Today we registered our first baby for kindergarten!

I couldn't muster a single tear - we are all too excited about this big step for Noah.  The teachers, staff, and principal all provided such a welcoming reception.  They were so eager and friendly and interested in saying hello and meeting my boy, who so very clearly introduced himself as "Noah (pause) Bwown" to everyone who asked.   

Registration went by so smoothly and quickly however, that we just weren't ready to go home so soon. So we stopped off at Chick-Fil-A for a celebratory breakfast.  

We are headed out tomorrow for a week at the beach, taking in Noah's birthday while we're there, and also spending time with Josh's oldest brother and family.  What fun! We'll see you on the flip side!


Amy Faye Brown said...

Oh, the enthusiasm! Kindergarten is simply the best. Yay, for welcoming schools! When we had to transfer the children here almost 3years ago they were both made to feel so welcome that being hundreds of miles away from home and friends didn't seem quite as bad.

Kimberly said...

You've been there 3 YEARS already?!

Emily said...

OH my word, Anna looks so grown up with sitting there with Josh!

Amy Faye Brown said...

March was our 3rd anniversary at the church and the end of this July marks 3 years since we sold out and left Fort Green for good.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

So fun! Hooray for your growing-bigger-every-day boy and for a vacation at the beach!!! :)