Jan 28, 2009

Snow Day Waiting

Well, it is snowing like crazy outside and this just after it rained all night long. Noah's MDO is closed along with all the schools in the area. With the expected icy conditions, I am NOT chancing it by going to the gym or to run the errands I had for today. And that kinda stinks, because we are out of milk (among other things) and Josh is gone until tomorrow sometime. Josh posted on his blog, by the way, if you are into following his sparse but amusing commentary. I keep telling him he needs to post more often.

We had a photographer come over on Saturday to take pictures of Noah and Anna together. She also took a bunch of baby parts shots and I am just dying to see the proofs. They should be up any minute now. I keep checking my email like a stalker.

We bought a new couch on Saturday that should be here in a couple weeks. What fun! I can't wait.

I let Anna cry it out for the first time last night. Some info. I got from the pediatrician said she should not need food to get through the night by this age. So after her 12:30 feeding, I had to grit my teeth and let her scream it out when she was already up again at 3:30. So painful for us both, but she was back asleep within about 20 minutes and slept until 8:00 this morning. I like that!

The ground outside is covered already. This is some snow. Sure brightens up the view from our living room though as opposed to the dreary rainy scape I had just an hour ago.

I signed up for Beth Moore's Esther bible study at the church we think we will be attending for good. Long Hollow Baptist Church. The only downside to it so far is that it is a mega-church. 3 different campuses. Multiple services per campus. BIG congregation. But everything else is real fit for us and the nursery/preschool set up and programs are just awesome. We were surprised how much of a total deal-killer it was for us if the nursery/preschool stuff left us even a bit unnerved. Anyway, looking forward to meeting some friends our age and in our life stage. I may even give the MOPS group a try.

I finished my first book of the year last night. Sacred Parenting. Good book.

Noah is crawling on top of Anna and tossing her toys all over her, so I think I better run and spot him on those stunts.


Emily said...

We're starting the Esther study too. Feb 8th. I'm pretty excited about it. I'm so jealous of your snow. It's 67 here in the ole deep south.

Anonymous said...

Good for you for finding a church home! And more snow! I'm jealous too. : ) That stinks about being out of milk.
And good for you for letting Anna put herself back to sleep...it IS hard, but it'll pay off.

Heather said...

Is this the same church as the Carvers?

Anonymous said...

Ya'll got snow? Lucky! We didn't get snow (or rather, the ground didn't get covered in snow), but we did get a snow day! It's amazing how much I looked forward to a snow day - just to catch up on lesson plans...

Kimberly said...

Good question, Heather! I don't know...I never asked her where she went to church. Why? Does it sound familiar?

Kimberly: Y'all didn't? Even better...keeps you from being homebound on your day off! :) Although i did make it to the gas station around the corner to get milk. The roads looked good enough for more outings, but we are just gonna stay hunkered down.

Alison said...

If you get a minute, e-mail me some of the pros and cons of the various nursery areas. I'm working on a check-in system right now with Mary and would be interested in what you liked/disliked.

Memaw said...

The house looks so much bigger without the tree. Glad you found a church home. Hope you find great friends and have some wonderful fellowship.
I agree with Amy, I can really see you when I look at Anna now. She is a combination of two great looking people.