Jan 31, 2009

WPTM #9: Words

What Parenting Teaches Me #9: Words

Lately, Noah is getting adventurous and trying to say so many more words. I mean, he is very aware of words he doesn't know or hasn't said before and he is now trying them on his own initiative. He repeats words at the end of sentences I say. And he is as earnest as a little boy can be. At bedtime he says "Dot. Dot." It took me a couple days and a chance conversation with Josh to discover that he is trying to tell me "Dark." It is just so pleasing to hear him experiment with words, even though he is still not quite as articulate as he would like to be. His "excuse me" comes out "chew me." His "tree fell down" is still just "twee dow." His favorite line from a bedtime book refers to "exercise" and he says it right on cue with an emphatic "eshoosigh." Y'all, it is just music to my ears. Such an adorable process to behold.

I bet you anything the Lord is just as pleased and moved by our own efforts along those lines. Except in our case with Him it would be more like when we pray, or worship, or memorize scripture. Even more so, when we pray scripture back to Him, or use it to encourage, teach, or edify another. Oooh weee, I bet he loves that sound. His very words being echoed back to Him or for Him or about Him. I can just picture his holding back a giant grin over us like I do over Noah. (except in Noah's case I have to hold it back because lately he is NEVER in the mood for me to grin or giggle at him unless that was his express purpose.)

1 comment:

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I love the perspective you bring on those occasions when I stumble back across your blog... for some reason "google reader" will no longer allow your blog to appear. I suppose it has something to do with the security level, but it does still let me on when I type in the address.