Jan 31, 2009


Unleashing me in the upcoming season to dress my baby girl is a dangerous dangerous thing. What was that I said about buying less stuff this year? Uh huh, well, allow me to submit a small addendum for that resolution: this, of course, is not to include any buying that must take place in the little girl's clothing department.

Oh. My.

Way. Too. Many. Adorable. Things.

Oh. My.

I hit my local consignment shop today, The Secret Garden. I love shopping consignment and finding killer deals on killingly cute clothes for Noah...and now Anna. I walked out of that store with over a $100 worth of my store credit spent. And oh the rush. Even better, let me brag, is that I have no doubt that all the great clothes I got for Anna (Noah, too, I haven't forgotten my first baby love, Noah) would have cost several hundred dollars in stores...easily. And I had to make myself put away a number of precious things that I knew just weren't going to be practical for a baby that will be crawling and climbing all over by the time she wears them. I spent a LONG time on the girlie side of that shop. And I commented to the owner how funny it was how much bigger the girls' side was than the boys' side.

Anyway, this small step into the world of baby girl's clothes leaves me wondering two things:

1. How is it that little girl's clothes have just never caught my eye before? I guess it is just different when you are shopping for your own little girl.

2. And why didn't anyone warn me how irresistible little girl's clothes are?

Oh. My. Danger indeed!


Emily said...

hey now! I told you how cute the little girls' clothes are! And how even though you weren't really "into" having a girl, you'd soon get into it because all those stinking clothes are too adorable. liar liar pants on fire.
(I almost misspelled fire)

The White Family said...

Jeremy and I would be BROKE if we had a girl! I love all of the girls stuff...it is so much better than boy stuff! And girl departments are about twice the size as boy departments! Oh well!

Unknown said...

Isn't it so funny how you can change like that? I would spend too much time and too much money in the pink section if I had a girl. I used to get so mad at the lone rack of boy clothes as opposed to the dozens of girl racks.

Alison said...

Dangerous indeed.

I remember walking into Old Navy for the first time after Kara was born and looking at the other "half" of the cubicle at the girls clothes and then realizing that there was another whole cubicle in addition!!! The boys got a half and the girls got 1.5!

Just remember that once they start rolling and crawling, dresses are the most evil thing ever - they get caught under their crawling legs, ruined and you will have yourself one frustrated little girl. Once they can walk really well, you can bring on the dresses!