Feb 2, 2009

Mullet No More

Well, thank the Lord, Anna's mullet is gone! Gone, gone, gone. I have loved that baby girl while despising that dark patch of hair that adorned the backside of her head all these months. And then when we weren't looking, it just melted into oblivion leaving behind a much less noticeable bald spot. And I much prefer the bald spot.

In other Anna news:

She doesn't hate her car seat carrier. So I get to run a couple more errands than I could before. That's nice.

She is quite amused by her brother and really has begun to respond to him playing with her, dancing/stomping/clapping for her, and gently pushing her around in her jumper. This tends to afford me a few more free minutes a day. That's nice, too.

She also just started downing 6 oz. bottles at a time, and this after her first and only week of drinking 4 oz. bottles. It's like her appetite just woke up. Which should be a good sign because we swear that she is getting smaller. She did just make it over the 12 lb. mark. She is STILL in size one diapers!

Anna is also still needing to be swaddled to get to sleep and to stay asleep. We experimented with NOT, and well, that did NOT take. Swaddling it is!

And on the sleeping front, she is getting up just once in the night and then very early in the morning before going back to sleep. Not bad. Not ideal, but still, not bad.

Noah has deemed her "Tee Yute," which, for all you untrained ears, is "Cute." Her daddy and I agree.


Emily said...

I still don't believe that she was 12 pounds at that appointment...from holding her at our cabin visit, there was no way she was that big. No way.
And I love that she is excited about Noah's attention...it only gets better too! Already Brooklyn is telling Natalie was to do and where to go and what to play with....and it soooo saves me some time too!

The White Family said...

She is so tiny...only 12 pounds! Connor was 11 1/2 pounds at 2 months at 15+ by 4 months! As for the mullet - Connor STILL has a mullet! The back bottom hair is so much longer than the rest! He lost most of his hair, but not that part when he was little! So funny! I'm sure she was really cute with the mullet! I hope you took a picture of it!

Kimberly said...

Tiny is the word for her for sure...but I king of like that since I know what a GIANT baby I was. :)

Take a picture of the mullet? Heavens no....I am going to pretend now that it never existed!

Alison said...

It is a good thing the mullet is gone or you would have had to ship her to Kentucky! (sorry, Kendra)

Unknown said...

hahaha...the dreaded mullet. Jacob had one too and I didn't take a picture of it either. He got bald and by 5 months his new hair started growing in.