Jan 11, 2009

Tidy to a Fault

It is no secret that I like things in their place. I like order, organization, and tidiness. Noah is quickly picking up these habits with a little practice. My heart melts when I see him putting away every last one of his Legos without being told. It skips a beat when we are playing together and Noah wants to switch from a puzzle to a train and he announces to me, "ba", which is - let's put it back. When we were house hunting here in TN, the very room that would be Noah's had a sign hung on the wall. It said, "Don't put it down. Put it away." I think I knew just then that this house had the organizational heritage I was looking for. But there are limits to even that.

Noah has a cold and has become quite proficient at wiping his own nose. But when he's done wiping that drippy, snotty, runny, button-of-a-nose, he then shoves the contaminated tissue RIGHT BACK INTO THE TISSUE BOX. Repeatedly. Even though we keep reminding him that, in this case, we don't put things back where we got them, we put them in the trash instead, his well-trained little mind will not relent. Those nasty tissues keep going back in the tissue box.

Tidy to a fault, indeed.


Anonymous said...

Maybe there's a spiritual lesson here somewhere? Maybe something about our nasty dirty sins that we keep wanting to take back rather than "trashing" them for good? Okay, Blogger Brown, you've got me thinking.

Emily said...

gross! But I'm impressed and a little bit envious of Noah's tidiness...but I guess kids learn from what they see, and Brooklyn sure doesn't see tidiness from me! I ought to work on it

Unknown said...

He sounds well trained...except for the tissue thing. That is hilarious and gross.

Jacob is quite tidy when it comes to dirt and trash...he takes it all to the trash with no direction. BUT...he's terrible about leaving toys all over the house. As much as I fuss about it, you would think he'd get it by now;-) We have a playroom just for him and he drags stuff out all over and leaves it. I think he gets that from his daddy:-)