Jan 13, 2009

Go Ahead - Try Not to Laugh

And if you really listen closely, you will hear Anna giggle twice. :)

Don't ask me why the kid has one slipper on and one off. He does that pretty regularly actually. One sock, one slipper, one shoe. One funny boy. Speaking of my Noah, he had his first dental cleaning today and it was a breeze! Granted, he has been twice before, but he's never actually had a cleaning until now. He was so excited to go after watching a Berenstain Bears and an Elmo episode about the dentist. I chickened out of taking my camera to capture the memory, but wouldn't you know that they took a picture of the visit themselves and gave me a copy. Pediatric dentists are the best. :)


Memaw said...

Noah isnormal - I always lose one of a pair of something and spend a lot of time looking for lost slippers, shoes, socks, earrings, etc. so cute to see my babies having fun together - can't wait to come up and see you all.

Heather said...

Too cute!! Nathanael loved Johny Jump up too. Unfortunately the house we lived in with Brooke and Zachary didn't have the doorways between rooms or hallways so we weren't able to hang it. Didn't want to put them in the bathroom!

Ellen said...

Both of your kiddos are adorable! I'd forgotten about Johnny Jump Ups! I think I'll get one for Isaac, he'd love to jump and I'm sure Davis would love interacting with him in it!