Jan 11, 2016

Something New on Monday

We have gone and done something new.  Something we never did for our own babies, but now we are trying it with the foster baby since one of Josh's coworkers gifted it to us last month.  And we are only doing this because because Josh won't let me sell it until we at least TRY it.  

So try it we have.  Fresh bananas, no preservatives, much cheaper than stocking up on jarred baby food.  We also have sweet potatoes in the freezer tray.  Who ARE we?!?!?!?

You know I run from all things kitchen and cooking, but we might just keep this around after all.  It wasn't as bad as I thought.  Also, Josh did the baby-food making entirely. I just fed it to the babe. HA!


Emily said...

Girl don't sell that baby! Let me use it first! Then I can give it back for you to sell. I would TOTALLY love make my own baby food. Seriously...why wouldn't you love to use that! Cheaper, definitely better for baby and probably a heck of lot better tasting than baby food! No preservatives...you should totally use it! Lucky dogs.

Kimberly said...

If you have a blender at all, you have all you need. Seriously!

Emily said...

True, but a Ninja won't look as cool as yours! haha.