Jan 3, 2016

Foster Care on Sunday

Angelique accomplished her goal and completed a full month of rehab (hooray!), discharging on New Year's Eve.  She called us bright and early New Year's Day (which, if you know her sleep habits, is a BIG deal) wanting to meet up with more diapers and formula she had picked up for baby.  Our schedules ended up not working out to meet that day, so we agreed to just meet up on Sunday as usual.  I was QUITE interested to see her, post-rehab, and hear what she had in mind for the coming months, specifically what she knew date-wise in terms of getting Lasa back.  And these things were discussed at our visit, with her bringing them up in fact ... information she had from her counselor and our DCS worker: something to the effect of Lasa possibly going home with her after court on the 27th (which I doubt) and then something about her meeting all her goals between then and a March date and Lasa going back to her then (which I think sounds more realistic).  Either way, I am so glad to hear her sound so single-minded about really getting on top of things and getting her girl back with her.  She was organized and clear about a number of different dates she has appts for, one in particular she needed me to come with Lasa for her WIC renewal.  These were all good signs ... her showing up for a visit right away after rehab, her bringing supplies for baby, her tender play and care and patience with Lasa during the visit, her desire to keep baby with her and get her back, her awareness of what goals she has left to take care of, her initiative to contact everyone that needs to see what all she's doing, her talking about buying spoons and a bed and plug protectors and baby foods, and even her asking if we had another time available to meet again this week, which we do.  All these things confirm what I have hoped and believed and prayed for Angelique for months ... that she could and really might get her baby back.  I really hope that she does!  I really think that she will! This makes my heart so full to think about.

But the reality of baby potentially leaving in just a couple months now, while joyous and pleasing and successful, is also is a bittersweet one.  It means this chapter of her life with us is nearing its end.  It has been a really sweet and good chapter for us. We will surely miss her and likely cry more than a little at her leaving.  It will be proof of how well we did our job loving her and providing for her many needs and proof of what a gift a child is.  Pondering all this got me misty-eyed and I thought about how I hadn't taken any pics of me with my girl since she was a teeny baby.  It was time to rectify this lapse in photo fun.  Mrs. Kimmie-plus-Lasa selfies it was!!

Only three weeks til court again!  We'll know things more concretely then.  And likely take pics like crazy to scare away any blues that might start to sneak in after that.

Good days are ahead, Lasa love!  Your momma is a'waiting!


Emily said...

Wow! What great news! Good job Momma! I will pray hard she stays clean and sober! And if she doesn't that it's terribly obvious so Lasa can stay in a safe place. What a great report though!!

Kimberly said...

Yes, please do pray that! Rehab seemed to be the BIGGEST hurdle for her to get over. Now it's just sticking with her new start. It will really all hinge on that!

Amy Faye Brown said...

I can only imagine the flood of emotions.
Continued prayers that mama can maintain this path for reunification and that sweet baby is protected and loved.

Kimberly said...

Yes to those things! Thank you for praying!

The White Family said...

So sweet! I can only imagine how bittersweet this must be! Praying for everyone!

Kimberly said...

Thank you, friend!!