May 25, 2010

Rubbernecker Redefined

Rubberneckers make me grumpy.

What's that, you say? I'm a grumpy girl anyway?

Humph. That makes me grumpy, too.


Emily said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!! SO funny!! Cute little grumpy thing! hahahaha

Unknown said...

Ha! So funny! The face just says it all. I just did a blog post with some Ava commentary too. Her take on food.

Anna's hair is getting long!

Kimberly said...

Yay! Shannon you are the first person to notice her hair getting longer besides me. I of course am using the term "longer" loosely ...i t's only a couple inches, but for someone who's been watching for it to grow, it makes me squeal with delight.

Unknown said...

In fact SHE has grown a ton since the photos in you blog header. I remember you having some concerns about her growth before but she's looking good. And she totally looks like you all the way! She's a cutie patootie.