May 6, 2010

This Week

Our fish survived their dramatic episode earlier this week. And, for the record, so did I, but just barely. I was so worked up over that and other stay-at-home mom minutia that I was in tears standing over the stove cooking dinner. And my gentle husband just hugged me and let me have my moment.

So yeah. Nashville flooded last weekend during Noah's birthday, before, and after. It's been a shocking week around town for sure. And not that a flood is funny, but I did find it funny how it flooded on Noah's birthday. Noah, flood, just saying.

Noah had his annual check up at the allergist. We found out, yet again, that the boy is one extreme case of allergic. Stage 5 to be exact. Which causes Dr. Babe's eye to sort of bug out of his head as he tries to explain how rare that is, and even more so, how rare that is in one so young. And that is just from his blood test LAST year as a three year old. Wow. Dr. Babe said, let me put it you this way. There are 6 stages and no one is ever stage 6. Some practices only recognize up to stage 5. And, get this. To be considered just stage 2 you would have igE of .15. Noah comes in at 17. No point anything. Just all the way out there at 17. Oh. My poor baby.

On a happier note, the pollen has not bothered Noah in the least this year. And he hasn't needed his nebulizer in over a year. And it seems his cat sensitivity is less now, enough so that the dr. suggested we expose him to a cat every now and then in small increments, but by no means is he well enough to get one. Which, hello, who would? Everyone knows Dogs Rule!

This year will be my fifth mother's day as a mother and for some reason it still doesn't feel like it's my holiday. Still feels a bit novel. Is it just me? I didn't even think about how the kids would be making me mother's day stuff at school and then there they were with their sweetie pie surprises complete with painted handprints and candies and I love you rhymes and tape and glue and paper that fall apart on the way home. I gotta get a grip. I'm the mommy now. Or one of them at least.

We sent out about 6 adoption inquiries this week. As a result, for this stage of the narrowing down process, 2 were counted out after hearing back from their case workers (one needed to be the youngest in the home, the other was only being considered for NC and GA families). Still waiting to hear back about the remaining girls. We have 5 more girls to inquire about after that group if need be.


Emily said...

Wow, that's scary about Noah! Did they say that the allergy will probably never go down or away? I'm amazed he's never come in contact with peanut products ...but so so very thankful...what a nerve racking thing! Odd that he can still eat at Chik-fil-A...but yay! :)

and you are so funny...but I have those moments too, when I just need a good cry... :)

Kimberly said...

I think that stage number refers to rhinitis type allergies and such that we are trying to prevent/pretreat with his allergy shots being administered so early.

But yes, also relates to the peanut allergy. Funny you should ask about the peanut allergy going down...he said after years and years (say 10) of not being exposed to it, his body has a chance of not remembering it...but only if he is a specific subset of peanut allergy.

Can you tell I get lost in all the medical numbers and tests and statistics. I wish I had had a voice recorder so I could play back the appointment and understand all I learned today a little better. Talk about overload.

Kimberly said...

Get this...he also says he believes there will be a fix for peanut allergies in Noah's lifetime. That they get close all the time and then one test or another doesn't work out right...but that they get closer and closer every year.

Cool, huh?

Kimberly said...

And oh my word, you should see the size of the sores and welts he gets from mosquitos bites. It's disturbing for sure. That is where I have most picked up on how allergic he is.

Heather said...

Yes, definitely amazing about the allergies. I don't know anything about allergies since no one in our family is allergic to anything, except for Kore and cats. But you are right...who likes cats anyway! However, we will never have a dog either. I have enough kids (kore included) to take care of!

I totally agree about Mothers Day. Every year, although this is my 7th MD, I can't believe that I am even a mother. Funny story, Kore said my Bro in law texted him last night and asked if we wanted to meet up at a place to eat for Mother's day with Kore's sisters family, parents and us. The choices were Moe's (fast food mexican) or Five Guys. I said, "I deserve better than a fast food on mothers day!" Ha. Kore laughed and completely agreed. I told him I have been working so hard being a mom recently that I deserve better! All said with a smile of course, but meaning every word. This is a day to celebrate me and all others moms. I feel so funny saying this, but this is the only day of the year it's all about me. :) I think Kore got my point. :)

Kimberly said...

Amen to that!

The Robinsons said...

Hey--thought about you last week with the flooding and have been meaning to email you. Did y'all have any damage??

Happy Birthday to Noah, and Happy Mother's Day to you! :)


Kimberly said...

No damage whatsoever. Just wet feet. We were the silly family playing in the flooded street in raincoats and umbrellas with Noah's bathtime boats!