May 17, 2010

A Day in the Life Of

Tonight I'm just grinning at the sampling of events that is a day in my life with you, Noah.
  • We start off the morning with me grumpy (I'm not a morning person) and you reminding me to get up from dozing on the couch (at 6:30 in the morning when I have been up since 5:30!) to give you your morning medicines. YOU are quite the morning person. You hit the ground running and talking and it's always a lot to take in right away.
  • You ask me 20 times before we leave the house, where we are going and what time we will leave. Today it was your and Anna's My Gym classes.
  • When we get to the garage to go, you have to run back in the house to retrieve Peter Pan, Hook, Mr. Smee, and Buzz Lightyear so you can play them with Bwody (Brody) while you wait for Anna's class to finish. In the car you sing softly to a song that talks about how God will never die.
  • After gym and lunch (burritos made out of leftovers from dinner last night) we play outside in the heat and you cringe when I spray sunscreen on your neck. You pick me flowers and mushrooms and some strange little berries growing in the yard. I get uptight worrying you ate some, even though I told you not to and you said OK.
  • You pitch a fit when it's time to come in so it's the perfect time for your nap - which, of course, is not really a nap because you don't sleep, but you do stay in bed looking at books until your CD plays the last song.
  • In between post-nap and dinner, you crash cars, play farm with your barn, run and swing in the backyard, harass your sister til I am barking at you both (you for being a nuisance, and her for being whiny), and countdown til Daddy is done working. And you STILL haven't finished your milk from this morning. Why? Why won't you finish your milk anymore?
  • You come into the kitchen at dinner asking Daddy if you can play eye patch. "Eye Patch?" I say. And you correct me quickly. Not eye patch, but iPad. Of course. The iPad. The words seem so surreal to hear coming out your mouth. iPad. But for the record, it could just as easily have been an eye patch you were asking for because you play pirate every day, sword fighting with your daddy. I love how you say, "Aye, Matey!"
  • At dinner you don't want the noodles but you do want the broccoli. Then you start repeating me ... again. I say, "Anna, don't throw the food on the ground." You say, "Anna, don't frow a food on a gwownd." I say, "Noah, I don't need an echo." And you of course say back, "Noah, I don't need a echo." And I try to suppress it in the name of sternness and requiring obedience, but I can't help but to laugh which makes it worse. And Daddy says so - that I am making it worse - and I keep on laughing.
  • I heart how you say "sikkee cup" for sippy cups. And "bobbum" for bottom. And "woof" for wolf.
  • It's bedtime now and you and Daddy are playing games on his precious iPad and Daddy just exploded with excitement and praise because you did better than he did. And then you high fived each other.
  • And now I look over and you are laying your head on Daddy's shoulder - watching while he takes a turn. Playing in the lowlight of the evening with no lights on in the living room except what comes from the iPad. You two are fun to watch together.
Goodnight, little boy. I love my days with you. But, I love bedtime, too. See you in the morning.

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