May 29, 2010

Toenails on the Menu

Noah's taken to biting his fingernails down to the nubs. And it's a habit I am not all that concerned about. But over the last week or so, I have caught him trying to do the same to his toenails. Now THAT's where I draw the line in the nail biting category. I keep catching him in the act and then I make a big stink about it, trying to make him understand how gross that is. This morning, I swept him up out of time out (for some other offense) and proceeded to clip his toenails before it slipped my mind again. Excited to be freed from time-out, he rededicated himself to obedience in the toenail department - no doubt an effort to ingratiate himself to me. Duly noted.

Noah: I not bite my toenails. Not taste good. Wike salad. Wite, Mommy? I not bit my toenails an-nymore.

The toenail/salad comparison has me confused and amused. And disturbed.


Unknown said...

UMMM I hope he keeps to his word. The salad comparison cracks me up.

Emily said...

Ewe...just ewe....but he's definitely your boy!! OH toe nail biting child.

Kimberly said...

What?! I know not of whom you speak.