May 28, 2010

Gatlinburg Getaway

Some highlights from our spur-of-the-moment trip to Gatlinburg this week...

Atop the Space Needle

Playing in the riverbed. Free, but fun.

Headin' down to the pool

I forgot my suit, so Josh had to manage without me. I pack the whole family, and yet can't quite seem to remember to pack for myself. A mommy's life.

The Aquarium of the Smokies - this is what we were most looking forward to.

Noah was terrified to see this giant shark just inside the entrance. But when we stepped inside, he busted out with "Hi, Shark!" and ran right over to him. After the shark waved, Noah asked, "I hug you?"
Underwater tunnel exhibit. The kids really liked the moving escalator style floor. I really liked how long this part of the aquarium was. Nice job, Ripley's.

There were SO many sharks.

Anna hangs like this on the oven at home!

Crawling around in the Penguin Playhouse exhibit.

Touching the horseshoe crabs. Anna was fearless. Noah had to be nudged a bit more.

View from all over Gatlinburg, really, but this specific shot is the entrance to the Smoky Mountains.

Aerial Tramway ride up to Ober Gatlinburg. Josh is only a little nervous about the extreme height.

Cruising around the area with the windows down because 1. it was cool enough and 2. you have to drive that slow to keep from hitting people or flying off the curvy roads into the river.

One of my favorite things was riding the Sky Lift at Ober Gatlinburg and then flying down the Alpine Slide with Noah and Anna. Sadly, there are no shots of this. I'm only a little bitter.

There were some other lesser worthy touristy cheap thrills we indulged the kids in - arcade, wildlife exhibits, carousels, oversized playgrounds, kiddie train ride, and ice cream. We tried go-karts but poor Noah was just not tall enough. There were lots of shops with that village-type feel, but anyone with little kids knows that those are a no-go with preschoolers. I was sad to not get to wander and browse and window shop.

Good times in Gatlinburg. Not a bad little getaway.


Unknown said...

So fun! We went there a few years ago and had a pretty good time. Our biggest regret was when we took a 5 mile hike up and back down a mountain and had to carry Jacob for a lot of it. The waterfall was pretty though.

Kimberly said...

You going to Gatlinburg sounds familiar. I think I remember you mentioning it.

The only hiking we did was to the car!

Emily said...

Ohhhhh what a fun time....I don't think when Lee and I went before kids, that we had any idea there was anything OTHER than that strip of stores!!! Great pictures!

Emily said...

and clearly, Anna hates the carousel, but LOVES the go cart!

Kimberly said...

She was cool with the carousel, really. Just a bad shot of one of her many unimpressed expressions. :)

That arcade game she is driving didn't even have a quarter in it, but she sure thought she was getting something done.

Emily said...

oh my word...that makes it WAY more funnier!!! she's a funny girl!!