May 13, 2010

Farewell, Good Friends

Poor me.
Mother's Day Out ends next week and I am mourning the loss already. I love you, MDO. You are my sanity saver.

I would remiss in my praise of MDO, however, if I didn't give credit to this year's wonderful teachers. Anna's first year was a rip-roaring success with Mrs. Leanna who loves Anna almost as much as I do. Leaving Anna in her arms every Tuesday and Thursday was always a comfort. Leanna was so careful, gentle, attentive, and proud of my girl, come moody moment or not. Don't let the stinkpot in this picture give you the wrong idea though. She loves her Mrs. Leanna and feels safe in her presence, she just resents me taking pictures of it. I think she might still be sore about the Boo-Boo photo debacle from yesterday.

Noah and I have a really soft spot for his Mrs. Kristie. She has been his wonderful teacher for a solid year now as she had Noah for summer MDO and then again for this school year. She's seen Noah through a lot of growing and she has been one of his biggest, brightest fans. Noah and I would both be so sad whenever a sub showed up and we'd be so hopeful that she would return again soon. I think Noah will not understand why she is not around when school starts again in the fall. It's just common knowledge that when you are in your "skoo cwass" you have a "Miss Kersey".

We're so sad to let you go, MDO! We love you, Mrs. Kristie and Mrs. Leanna! Thank you for the fun, giggles, learnin', encouragement, and love, love, love this year.

1 comment:

Emily said...

haha...LOVE Noah's face in that picture!! hehe