May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

It's been a relaxing and lighthearted Memorial Day weekend at home.
  • I finished my second book this week - the fourth one in this Lineage of Grace series by Francine Rivers. It's my favorite one in the series so far - Unspoken. The story is told from Bathsheba's perspective. Very interesting.
  • Josh set up our little/big pool and swimming was gonna happen no matter how cold the water was. Indeed it did. Anna was blue and shivering after both swims this weekend.
  • Noah got to stay up late the see his first lightening bugs of the season. He caught about eight and got to bring them in the house in his firefly lantern to watch at bedtime. What fun!
  • Anna attended a birthday party for a friend she doesn't know from Eve, because let's face it - she's not even two, but still. She had a great time, she played hard, and was really tired once it was over. It was an exercise in over stimulation for sure. More for me than for her. :)
  • I bit the bullet and had Josh flush our back molly fish for 2 reasons. One, He was bullying the 3 other fish, which is very not like molly fish. They are known for being peaceful. I think he went a little crazy as a result of enduring our first nitrogen cycle. Poor thing. And two, When we got home from our trip he had white growths around his eyes and gills. I was afraid whatever he had would spread to the other fish. So he had to go. For what it's worth, I was sad to kevorkian the little guy. And I was a chicken about it. I stayed out of the house and didn't come back in until the dirty deed was done. Josh, of course, was eager and ruthless about the whole thing.
  • I registered for MOPS. Finally.
  • Noah and Josh went "faux fishing". This means all they did was cast and reel a little red rubber fish on Noah's fishing pole into the neighborhood lake. Good practice, I say.
  • Anna mastered an ugly little "Mine! Mine!" habit.
  • Noah sunk deeper and deeper into an annoying backtalking habit. Where did this come from?
  • Watched the movie "Dear John". Not bad. And not what we expected. It was ok.
  • My blog turned 2 on Sunday. Happy Blogiversary to me!
  • I discovered that the pretty acreage called Starstruck Farms not far from our house is none other than Reba's TN home!
  • We have a tribe of bunnies in our backyard. They have really come to trust us over the past few months and they don't even run when we come in the yard anymore. They are fun to watch race and run and chase each other about. The awkward mating they tried to make happen this weekend, however, is a little like a Animal Planet episode. Except goofier.
  • Anna started getting into all sorts of new things - She busted into a bottle of Flintstones vitamins I had sitting on the stairs, where she is not supposed to be in the first place; she started stripping down to her skinny little bottom all on her own; she unrolled the toilet paper when no one was looking; and much to her Daddy's dismay, she deposited a bit of sand into the pool.
  • We played with some new bubble sets from the dollar section of Target that proved to be worth their weight in gold and then some.
  • Josh broke into his growing stash of Fourth of July fireworks for the Memorial Day occasion. Not long after, he also broke in the summer with some good old-fashioned, all-American treats - Smores.
Happy Memorial Day! And welcome, Summer!


Elizabeth Bradley said...

This post just made me laugh. And goodness it was long... so the comments will be too. :)

1. This Lineage of Grace series sounds intriguing. I'll have to see if they have it at the Prague Christian Library.

2. fireflies are SO fun

3. It amuses me that you used the word kevorkian... and I can totally picture your eager, ruthless husband doing the deed.

4. So cool that you live near Reba's TN home. I loved Reba when I was growing up.

5.It also amuses me that you referred to the bunnies as a tribe... and if they're attempting to mate, chances are they'll probably be successful and soon you'll have even more bunnies to watch

6. I expected after Anna's stripping and toilet paper unrolling, that you would say she deposited something else in the pool much to Josh's dismay. ;)

7. s'mores... so good... but I hate that now I can't eat more than one without feeling sick. Definitely NOT one of the perks of being a grown-up.

Kimberly said...

I always loved Reba growing up too. More recently, Reba grew near and dear to our hearts since we got married. She starred in her own TV series (it ran 6 seasons) and Josh and I would laugh so hard we'd cry. It was so funny. We can still quote some of our favorite lines today. We've since bought the DVD sets of each season. :) So yeah, we love our Reba.

No other surprises from Anna after the stripping down, but we did take a hint and get out the little potty for her to give it a go. She liked getting on and off it. And then carrying it around the house.

Crossing my fingers you can get your hands on a copy of the Lineage of Grace series. Or the Mark of the Lion one. Both, so good! I thought about sending you the Lineage set, but I thought about it too late. I just promised to hold it for my mother-in-law earlier yesterday. She's tearing through Mark of the Lion right now, so I knew she'd enjoy this is one too. As will you!

Memaw said...

You all are having too much fun, I
am jealous. We did however, have
a fun trip to the beach today with
Holly and Hannah. We decided we
better go before the oil slick comes our way. It was beaufiful, it always makes me feel like I am a part of something so big and magnificent when I see and feel this creation of His. I thought that you would be disappointed in me, I didn't take a camera.

Kimberly said...

I agree with you about getting to be a part of something so big, to take in something so grand.

Sometimes, taking pictures of everything takes away a little of the fun. I can respect wanting to take in a fun day rather than wanting to document it instead.