May 9, 2010

Happy Muvver's Day

I didn't really think Noah got what Mother's Day was for earlier today. He was chomping at the bit to open my presents for me first thing this morning and then later on he said, "Happy momma's day, Anna!" But then, while I was taking pics of the gifts Josh got me, ahem -Noah and Anna got me, he said, "You wike you pwesents?" Surprised he thought to ask me that, I said I did. He said, "for muvver's day today. Not bortday. Just muvver's day." So he does get that it's not about him today! Now that that's settled...

I'm starting to really like Mother's Day. It's like I get to play a get-out-of-jail-free pass (not that kids = jail - it's just a good example) for any and everything all weekend, cuz hey - it's Mother's Day, and hey - I am one! :) In the name of Mother's Day weekend, I did not cook, I did not clean (except I did do some laundry), I did not have to get up with the kids, and I took TWO naps. And I got these sweet treats from my sweet husband, I mean, my sweet kids.

This is my first WillowTree figurine that has both kids in it. So it's a special addition to my collection. (We'll just pretend that it's a boy and girl in the momma's arms, ok? Anna's hair is still short as a boy's anyway.)

Pretty paper for my lists, lists, and more lists.

That man got me a box of 24 of these! Goodness gracious. Yum! But, oh, the temptation.

In other Mother's Day weekend memories, we went shopping at yard sales in the neighborhood, scoring a leather dress-up cowboy vest and a little play barn for the kids' animal stash. Total for both was 75 cents. :)

Then we went to the park.

Josh created a puppet show theater from the box our patio furniture came in.

Anna upgraded to eating at the table with us instead of off to the side on her booster-seat tray. I think she looks precious pulled up to the table and it is neat to have all 4 of us there at last.

But I think two things that make me grin the most from this weekend are the song Noah made up about how he would "obey to Mommy" and the feel of Anna's arms tight around my neck after we taught her how to give a proper hug. The best part of being mommy is loving these babies of mine. So really, every day is mother's day to me...minus the shameless napping and lack of cooking and cleaning, that is. :)

Regardless, Happy (official) Muvver's Day, y'all!


Emily said...

Cute..and I love Anna's hat in the puppet show box!

Emily said...

And I must say, my Mother's Day hasnt' been all that I'm very happy yours could be fort he both of us!! And I've never seen that kind of candy before...interesting...might have to try it.

Kimberly said...

Candy - duhlish!

Hat - part of that gift certificate I got from the giveaway I won on Robin's Chicks. Anna loves it.

Laura Koslowsky said...

Your mother's day sounds wonderful! I've got to admit that I am a little bit envious though...Kevin had a youth retreat over the weekend so I was on my own with the kiddos. We did go visit my parents in MD, but that trip is always exhausting on my own, this time with a one year old screaming most of the drive (it seems he must have never been put in a car seat because Samuel hates the thing). Anyway, glad you got pampered and were able to catch up on sleep :) I think I'll tell Kevin he owes me a Mother's day that I can cash in on later in the month :)

Oh, and I can't wait to hear what comes of the other little girl inquiries that you are waiting to hear on.

Kimberly said...

Yeah, girl - Naps are gold, especially guilt-free, sleep-til-you-wake-up-on-your-own naps!

As for the car seat screaming, I have two tips. One, Deep breaths for you - b/c we all know how wearing that can be to anticipate for every car ride and then endure! 2. A portable DVD player for the car, if you don't already have them built in! Now, the DVD players didn't help my sister with her Natalie when she was a baby, but Samuel might dig it.