May 12, 2010

Comedy, Tragedy

Anna took her first official "flying leap" today and scuffed up both her knees. She wasn't really upset until the blood started to trickle down her leg and then it was panic time. But, she felt worlds better once she got her very own warranted Neosporin and band-aids. Before today, she has only ever needed band-aids to alleviate her covetousness when Noah got them. But today, oh today, she earned her own red badge of courage and that was something to glow about.

Until the mood passed, that is. She's crying here because she is tired of her shutterbug momma making her sit still for more pictures documenting "Baby's First Boo-Boo." Actually, I was trying to coax her into pointing to her boo-boos, but she was over it by the third shot and never once cooperated with the pointing. The moment had passed.

And I just think it's ironic that she cried more about the boo-boo photo shoot than she did for the actual boo-boo, where the tears should have been. (exhale). Women.

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