May 14, 2010

Things He Said This Week

Noah and I were eating lunch at the table. It was so quiet, Anna was napping, we were chewing. Out of nowhere he says, "Mommy, you face wook wike Mimmie and Papa." And I guess it does. I was just taken aback by the fact that he noticed.

While I tried to get his pants buttoned after he went potty, Noah backs up and swing his arms around saying that when he is "oh-der" (older) he is gonna be a "baseball hitter."

Earlier this week, I slipped Noah a new, healthier snack - a big pretzel stick. He took one big bite and promptly dropped it out of his mouth back onto the plate and exclaimed, "Dat taste wike dog streets!" (dog treats) How he knows what a dog treat tastes like is a mystery to me. I laughed pretty hard at the vehemence with which he said it. Today, I gave him some chips during his snack, to which he said, "I wike you chips. They not taste wike dog streets."

Noah watched me grab a pen and paper (I was jotting down this stuff he's been saying before I forgot them). He assumed that I was writing out a grocery list (because that's all a mommy has on her mind, of course). He says, "Guess what else we need?! Gummy bears!" Like I said in his birthday letter, that boy is faithful, FAITHFUL, to remind me what groceries we need.

I giggled at one of his silly moods and told him he is my sweetie pie. He replied, playfully although indignantly, "I not a sweetie pie!"

After watching Ni-Hao Kailan talk about forgiveness, he turns to Anna, cups her face with both his hands and coos, "I give you, Anna. I give." I think he is still a little confused on the meaning and use of the word forgive though, because the next day he ran Anna over and when she fell apart crying, he tried to calm her down by reassuring her that he "gives" her. Adorable. Misguided, but adorable.

Noah gets spanks now if he wets his pants - which doesn't happen often, mind you - but it does happen. This week it happened when he didn't want to stop playing outside to come in and do his business and I noticed HOURS later that his shorts, thick jean shorts, were wet all the way through. Afterward, after spanks and tears and lunch and calm again, he said, "I sawwy I pee in my pants, Mommy. I sawwy." I said I was sorry he did that, too, because I don't like having to spank him. He saw his window of opportunity, the wide open gaping hole in my line of reasoning, and offered a solution, kind and sacrificial soul that he is. "You not have to spank me next time, Ok? You not have to."


Amy Faye Brown said...

Oh, the wisdom one so young posesses. He's a great negotiator.

Emily said...

What a fun list! hehe. We need to see each other again...