Aug 18, 2009

WPTM #15: That's My Cue

What Parenting Teaches Me #15: That's My Cue

Today Anna took a tumble off Noah's picnic table and bonked herself on the head on her way down. Josh and I immediately sprinted toward her from our respective places in the house. When she hit the floor, she took a few surprised gasping breaths, and immediately looked to Josh and myself to see what she should do next. To panic or not to panic? Since we were staring back at her, not freaking out, she didn't see any reason to freak out either. So she didn't.

And I was like, oh, that is such a picture of how we, as children of God, should handle the troubles and tumbles we face in life. We look to Heaven and see that our Father is not surprised by what has happened, nor is he shaken. And from that reassurance we can be steadied, be still. He isn't freakin' out, so we don't have to either.


Elizabeth Bradley said...

So beautiful. So true. I love the reality of child-like faith.

Emily said...

I've seen that look of "did I just hurt myself" but when I tell Natalie that "I saw it, and you're ok. you're ok." She lowers her head, gets a growling start and then looks up red faced and furious with a bellowing ear piercing cry/scream thing. It's really annoying. So what does THAT mean? :)

Kimberly said...

Sounds like she's pissed off at you for lying to her. :)

Alison said...

I've had two instances in public lately where Kara has fallen down and jumped in the pool. Everyone paniced and it drove me crazy!! I just brushed her off, dried her off and she was fine.

Now to work on not getting upset myself...