Aug 19, 2009

Some Today Things

Anna has a green and runny nose. Ick. Thankfully, she is playful and happy, instead of pitiful and grumpy. Noah tells me that a giant banana is chasing him today. My last favorite word was "dreamer." I am moving on to another favorite word: steadfast. Josh and I are going out to eat tomorrow and going to check out several stores (just because we can) after we take Noah and Anna to Day 1 of MDO. CANNOT WAIT! But even with my excitement about my free time, I feel a little anxious about how Anna will respond to the change of routine, naps, meals, etc. We shall see. I am fully prepared to take her out of it if it doesn't work out. Speaking of Anna, she ate Desitin yesterday. Double ick. Tomorrow night Josh is going to our first meeting with AGAPE to get the ball rolling on our next adoption. And the plan is to start PATH training in October after we get back from Disney. Cannot wait for that either! Yesterday I watched Noah and Josh race around trying to catch the leaves as they fell to the ground in the wind. It was so picturesque with them both looking up, arms outstretched, grins across faces, leaves all around in the air like confetti. I would have snapped a picture had my camera's batteries not just died on me. Anna sat in the grass, mesmerized by all of Noah screams and squeals and her Daddy running around like a kid. And she got bit by an ant. I talked to Noah today about his adoption, and his birthmother, and really tried to explain that relationship. Anna had been crawling around with the pic of Noah and Tania, so it was a good conversation starter. Noah tried to say birthmother. It came out "bitmudder." And he said something about wanting to go back to baby Noah again. And then he changed his mind. I look forward to better understanding his understanding of the topic one day soon. We plan to see Tania in October again. When Noah got up this morning, he brought me one of his monkeys and laid it in front of me and told me his monkey was "sick, sick, sick." He does that a lot lately...use a word in repetition. He seems to hurt his toe on a daily basis. Which means I hear this, "My toe hurts, hurts, hurts." Yesterday when we went to meet Noah and Anna's teachers, on the way there Noah told Josh to drive "faster, faster, faster!"


Heather said...

What a fun mental picture of Josh and Noah running around the backyard trying to catch leaves! MDO! WOW! How long are they gone for? Glad you aren't spending your first time alone cleaning your house or something yucky like that!

Kimberly said...

They go Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-2:30. Ahhhhhhh.

Emily said...

yeah still a little jealous of that extra 2.5 hours you get compared to mine. But oh well

That was a really fun read. What is the PATH training?

Kimberly said...

These letters stand for "Parents as Tender Healers", but it the training we went through in GA for the original adoption we did. All foster and adoptive parents take it to be better prepared to interact and respond to the needs and experiences the children come to you with.

Emily said...

You were up as early as I was this morning.
I didn't know you had to take a class in order to adopt. Guess that it could only help. It's a shame there are so many hoops to go through to adopt while those kids sit there in limbo waiting and waiting.

Kimberly said...

No, no, no. It's a shame when a family decides to give the adopted child back because they were not aware or prepared for the challenges they would face with children from the foster care system.

Alison said...

Yea for MDO! Can't wait to hear how Anna does :).