Aug 11, 2009

Some Pet Peeves

When I had my grumpy gripe-fest the other day, I rode my mood into completion of a list of pet peeves. To Name a Few -

Cars with that thumping bass
Glenn Beck's sarcastic tone
Tangled hangers
How loud commercials are
Having to dig around in my purse
Slow drivers - or rather, being stuck behind them
How every cashier in every store hits you up to open a cc account
When I forget to use my coupons on a shopping trip
When I drop things - which is all the time
When pastors use their prayer to preach some more
When people take months to cash my check
When people say "but yet..." It should be said "and yet..."


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Ugh... sadly, we are often late. I hate it... and time and time again vow to end this horrible bad habit, but thus far we're still running out the door. Good thing our bus stops right in front of our house!

Unknown said...

I agree with you on most of those. Especially getting stuck behind a slow person which ALWAYS happens when I'm in a hurry. Living on country roads doesn't help but it's better than traffic!

Heather said...

Couldn't agree more about the Glenn Beck thing. He's rather annoying to me, but I know people that love him. Don't get it.

Ha! The pastors thing made me laugh. We can all relate to that one!