Aug 21, 2009

To Our Next Child

Alright, Kiddo,
The countdown started last night that will end in our meeting you somewhere down the line. Nothing gets me as excited as thinking and talking about this, about adoption, about you. We just cannot wait to bring you home, grow you up, and make memories with you like we have already started with Noah and Anna. I hope you like the idea of having a little brother and sister who think you are the greatest. :)

Josh went to AGAPE last night and got all the information we need to get started on the mountain of paperwork we have to complete and the matching hoops we have to jump through. But this time doesn't feel as overwhelming as it did the first time around four years ago. In fact, today we decided to go ahead and start the PATH training next week, rather than wait til the January class. Something just wouldn't let us sit still til then. We won't know why the timing and choices worked out like this until it's all over, but I am sure it will be a great story. I am certain the Lord is involved. His love for you drives our love for you. And we love you already.

In the time between now and when we finally meet, my prayer for you is not unlike the one I prayed over Noah and his birthmother; I beg the Lord to protect your mind and to bend your heart to His. And for you specifically, I pray you know that you are worthy and lovable and wanted. Here's hoping that by this time next year we can tell you this in person over and over again. Just. Can't. Wait.


Emily said...

that was really sweet Kimberly! I can't believe it will only be approx a year!

You just seem so strong and hard at times, but when it comes to adopting your future child, you're more tender than I've ever seen or imagined you.

Can't wait to meet my future neice or nephew! aka "Kiddo" :)

Alison said...

so sweet.

Heather said...

What a blessing you will be to this child. To know that he/she has been destined to be with you since the beginning of time is just over my head. What a wonderful example you both are to so many!

Laura Koslowsky said...

Beautiful! I can't wait to hear how God orchestrates all of the details. Are you on facebook? I think you and Amy (Westcoat) Zipf might enjoy sharing stories. She and her husband have 2 biological daughters, they adopted a baby boy from Ethiopia a little over a year ago and are working on bringing home another older son now. Sounds like the process is moving faster than they could have hoped for this time! We are slowly moving up the referral wait list. Now we are either #8 or 9 in line!

Kimberly said...

Hey! 8 or 9 sounds pretty good!!

Memaw said...

Can'twait to meet my next grandchild.