Aug 19, 2009

Anna's Rap Sheet at Present

Eating stuff she finds on the floor
Climbing on top of Noah's picnic table
Touching the TV
Grabbing Noah's trains while he is playing with them
Grabbing stuff off the end table
Playing with the remote
Pulling up on the toilet
Getting into trash cans
Standing up in the bath tub
Standing up in buggy seats and high chairs
Trying to roll over while you change her diaper
Grabbing herself while you try to change her diaper
Pulling the child-proofing foam pieces off the fireplace


Emily said...

We had both girls while we drew up the paperwork for the house offer...yeah Natalie did just about all those was miserable...but we didn't have time enough to plan ahead for a babysitter...we didn't know we'd offer on a house today. Until we both realized we don't want to lose the house either.

sosagtsie said...

It sounds like she's a lot of fun :) It makes life interesting, right? A busy chaotic and fun adventure.

Laura Koslowsky said...

You really do have your hands full with that one don't you?! Our nephew Jack has always been very busy, a climber for sure. They used to put a velcro ring around one of his legs and a high chair leg to keep him from standing up and flipping out. And OH, grabbing for the dirty diaper to explore...I hated it when my kids were quick to grab at the poopy ones!!!

Kimberly said...

The velcro idea cracks me up...and tempts me a little, too. :)

Laura Koslowsky said...

Hey, at this stage, whatever works to keep them protected...:) They couldn't keep him in the seat any other way because he could wiggle out of the 5 point harness!