Aug 10, 2009

WPTM #14: One-on-One

What Parenting Teaches Me #14: One-on-One

I have Anna all to myself right now. And I was thinking a few minutes ago about how much I enjoy the time I get to spend alone with Anna while Noah's napping. The same goes for my time alone with Noah. There is a different sort of fellowship there in those times, a more intimate bonding, and just more relaxed and enjoyable interaction. And in that same vein, I am betting our time alone with the Lord is just as precious to Him, be it in prayer, in scripture, or the quiet practicing of his presence. Thinking about how God treasures one-on-one time with me like I do with my children challenges me to more purposefully treasure my time alone with Him as well.


Alison said...

I've been putting off my quiet time for an hour. Thanks for the reminder that it's not all about me!

Heather said...

What a great reminder! very true.

Emily said...

I have never ever thought about quiet time like that. Wow. Good parallel!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Seriously... I love your WPTM posts. Always right on the money. Always perfectly timed. Thanks for sharing what you're learning with the rest of us! One day you should pull these posts out and make a book out of your WPTMAG moments.