Aug 10, 2009

ER Bound

The girl is as much a climber as she is a screamer. And trust me, she is nothing if not a screamer. My convoluted point being...she climbs a lot. And what goes up must come down...and head on around to the ER eventually. Observe.

She also climbs stairs, couches, kiddie tables, and people. Ain't no mountain high enough.


Heather said...

Oh goodness! She is quite the adventurer!

Emily said...

So did you actually have to go to the ER? Becasue if you let her keep doing that..she'll be there in no time.

Kimberly said...

No, Crazy, no ER yet....I'd have had a bit more so say if we had. :) Besides, if I thought she could have really hurt herself I would have stepped in before the end of the videos. Just a couple bonks in the face that a scoop up from Mommy and some very personalized coos can fix.:)

Unknown said...

She IS a little monkey! Falling off a chair is no biggie even if it's a face plant. See God knew she need to sprout those teeth later because of these face plants:-)

Kimberly said...

Shannon: EXACTLY! I just said the same thing to Josh the other day - that if there were teeth in her face, I would not let her take the tumble. I have said before how squeemish I am about busting teeth out or busting them through a lip. Eeeeck!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

These videos are HYSTERICAL... Anna's determined climbs, the way she makes it to the recliner only to look around for something else to climb, Noah's "baby Anna"s and repeated flashing from his camera... hysterical. Moments you'll be so glad you captured one day. Here's hoping that they don't land you in the ER anytime soon. :)