Aug 4, 2009

Random Rambling

I am at a loss for anything really post-worthy. Our days lately have been very routine and unremarkable.

We did go to Monkey Joe's today and this time we let Noah spend all of $3 worth on the quarter games and rides when he was exhausted with all the jumping and sliding. And that $3 actually goes farther than it sounds since the games only need 1 quarter each. Noah did a little Whack-A-Mole sort of game, except with alligators instead. He loved it until they started coming fast and furious. Then he panicked and grabbed my neck. Which was well within his reach because Josh and I were on our knees whacking those gators like crazy. Maybe WE were scaring him. :)

I have a migraine still that I have had since I got up this morning.

We are at a loss for a sitter now that Kimberly has moved back to ATL for her first teaching job (Yay, Kimberly!! - now start that blog so I can read all about it!). Anyhow, we joined up on a site called and have been contacted by numerous sitters. It made me feel a little anxious at first - finding a sitter, a stranger, online. But reading the bios, seeing their pics, talking with them on the site, looking over the background checks, references, and some have reviews, too, well, after a day or two of thinking about it and warming up to the idea, I gave in and we now have a sitter coming on Sunday and several more to try on other dates. We'll see how that goes.

Josh took Noah to a local fair last night. Turned out to be a total dud. Noah did get to ride a pony though and play a fishing game whereby he won a stuffed Nemo.

I watched the returning episode of Jon and Kate last night. I gotta say, there was just a very depressing feeling over the whole thing for me. And I am little jealous of their kitchen remodeling.

Noah has become our resident Sentinel of Sanitizer. He brings it to me daily to sanitize my hands and Anna's. He is so empowered by pumping it himself. He says something to the effect of "Cwean hands mommy no germs Anna."

We stopped by Staples on the way home today, and for this former teacher these back to school sales and displays and supplies are all very intoxicating. I could stay in there and look around for well over an hour I am sure. But I didn't. Just grabbed a calendar and a pack of Sharpie pens and hit the door. But, oh, the magic of "Back to School" season. I can't wait for Noah to start school.

In fact, reading some of Noah's books to him lately has really caused me to miss being in the classroom. As I read him a book today, automatically I began imagining vocabulary and activities and lessons I could base off of just that one book.

I think I am going to get into wine tasting.

Anna has this ability to scream like she is in a torture chamber. That, or there is an exorcism going on in her room. And she has the ability to do it for over an hour at a time if she feels like it. She does not give up. It wears me out. And then I start worrying that these are the early signs of a kid with emotional issues...or a strong will to accompany her strong opinions. (my mom has always wished me on myself I think.) Either way, sounds like a lot of taxing work for me.

Noah has relented a little on his Caillou requests every day. Now he prefers a little Max and Ruby, too.


Emily said...

I was too depressed about them to watch the episode. I hope the shows' rating die maybe they can work back on their marriage, if there's even a hope that they can make it work.
Anna screaming in her room...I can totally relate. Natalie does NOT like to take short evening naps, when she so desperately needs one!

Heather said...

I was also sad to watch the shows. Feel bad just all around for the whole fam. Agree...just a depressing show.

However, about Noah going to school. I was also very excited about Nathanael starting school because I love it so much. that it is only 1 month away, I am very sad to see him leave for 7 hours of the day 5 days a week. I know it will be a major adjustment for all. Boohoooooo!!!

Kimberly said...

Thanks! I'll email you that info...although there's no promises about how well I'll keep it up. Anna's picture - as well as the family picture of ya'll from Christmas are on my fridge right now. :)

If you want to get into wine tasting, there's a wine festival in Nashville that's a lot of fun. My roommate and I went this summer and had a blast. Tons of local wineries and decently priced admission. You should look it up for next summer!

Alison said...

can. not. wait. for. school. to. start.

Kimberly said...

So funny, Alison. I was talking about elementary school, but yeah, looking forward to MDO in a couple weeks, too. :)