Mar 25, 2011

Spring Teaser

We had a bunch of 70/80 degree days for a week or so and then BAM!  Starting yesterday we got yanked back into the rain and 40/50 degree days.  For the record, I dig the 50s just fine, and you already know I love a rainy day, so I am happy as a clam about it. Still, here are some spring teaser snapshots of the kids taking in the sunny and warm days last week...


Elizabeth Bradley said...

Isn't spring just like that?!? Warm weather, cold weather, warm weather, cold. Sunny days, cloudy days, and so on. :) We've enjoyed more than our fair share of sunny warm days here this week... though our "warm" is in the 50s. Nonetheless it's much anticipated and enjoyed!

Emily said...

Love all the playgrounds you guys are at! How fun! I can't believe Anna is ddriving Noah's 4wheeler! Good for her!