Mar 4, 2011

Feels Very Weird

Noah got invited to go to some friends' house today (twins) after school.  Their mom is picking up Noah and bringing him home with them.  I guess it's a play date, but with one small difference - I AM NOT THERE!  And THAT feels very weird.  Noah has never been to play at someone's house without me, without my supervision.  Feels so unnatural!  It's 11:30 - when Josh or myself usually picks him up from school, but today we are not....and that feels so weird.  I can't seem to relax.  I feel like my day is on hold somehow until I get that boy back in my presence. 

Anna is suddenly very passionate about climbing into and out of her car seat by herself.  Noah didn't do that until much older, so to be letting Anna do it while she is still so little feels very, very weird.

Today, we test drove a Toyota Highlander.  We sat in an office and crunched numbers and such to account for our trade-in and how much more we would pay after that.  We only went to the dealership to gather information and narrow down our options, and yet somehow we walked out of there ready to buy a car as soon as they have the color and features we like.  THAT FEELS VERY WEIRD.

After two years, I finally zeroed out my credit at the local consignment shop.  That feels very weird, too.

There is something else I am forgetting, but I can't remember now.  That, for the record, feels weird, too.  List-makers, such as myself, don't like to have some forgotten thing dangling out there unrecorded. 


Amy Faye Brown said...

Cool things of wierd recap. Here's another wierd thing...Beka didn't go home with twins Friday, but twins came home with her. Just thought it was a kawinky-dink.

Kimberly said...

Even weirder!

Cindy said...

I didn't know you were looking to buy a Toyota Highlander. I have a 2007 one and LOVE it.