Mar 15, 2011

Bright Weekend w/the Fam

It's Tuesday already, but we're still grinning from a bright and busy weekend that started this past Thursday.  Josh's parents and his oldest brother and family came up to Nashville to visit for a bit.  I guess they just didn't get enough of us at Christmas maybe?  Either way, it was a treat to look forward to them coming, which is why Thursday, the day they traveled all the live long day to get here, still counts as family fun in my book. :) Plus, it was my birthday, and who doesn't love birthdays?

On top of looking forward to the Browns getting to town, all day Thursday I was also looking forward to shopping early with the other Encores and More North Children's Consignment Sale workers.  I was in the last wave of shoppers that night, so I didn't get in til 8:00 and I shopped until I dropped, finally getting back home at 12:30. :) As soon as Friday morning rolled around, we Browns got busy boogie'n around town, bargain shopping (men to any tool shop in Nashville, women to any place with clothes and great prices), eating out, going to the Grand Ole Opry, fixing things around the house with all those extra hands, and just generally hanging out and enjoying the good company.  Some favorite snapshots from the visit...

Helllooo, new garage shelves (courtesy of a seriously handy brother-in-law - thank you, thank you, thank you, Johnmark!)

 The boys reorganizing Josh's shed so it is actually usable.

Amy keeping me company outside .... and procrastinating on a few midterm assignments.  :)

But who could blame her - it was lovely and blooming out! 

Cousins, cousins, cousins ...  If it weren't for mealtime and my picture takin' proclivities, I don't think I would have seen Noah and Anna all weekend, they were so busy playing with Beka and Aaron.

John and Carol (aka -Memaw and Papa John) cookin' us up a hearty Sunday lunch.  And no, I won't loan them out; you'll have to find your own wonderful in-laws.

Finally getting a Memaw-approved profile pic for Carol's Facebook account - a feat that's been three months in the making.

Is it any wonder Noah returned to school Monday morning a crying mess of grief because he wouldn't get to see them again?  How is one supposed to go on when such fun family blessings are hitting the road and headed back home to FL?  Well, for one thing, you thank your lucky stars that Memaw and Papa John stick around a few days more; that really softens the blow. It also helps when a certain Aunt Amy and Beka leave a certain sad little boy a thank you/goodbye note and adorn it with a Chewbaca likeness.  And it doesn't hurt if you get to look forward to seeing those cousins and aunt and uncle again in a little over a month at the beach.

Such a bright weekend. What fun was had ... and is still waiting to be had!  So thankful for family!


Elizabeth Bradley said...

A seriously FUN post. I'm so happy for you that you had a weekend of family fun.

And that picture of Beka and Anna playing together... adorable. And I think I recognize I cute hair clip in your Anna's hair. :) Speaking of hair, Noah's curls are adorable. So adorable.

And those Brown boys, they look more and more alike the older they get. I had to look twice or I would have mistaken John Mark for Jason in the picture of them in the shed!

Emily said...

what a fun weekend you had! I just can't get over how cute Anna looks looking over her cousins shoulder. A-dorable!

Yes, in-laws are a WONDERFUL thing!

I hear ya Noah, I get a little sad when our families leave after a visit too, whether it be us leaving or them departing our's just a downer. But so glad you already have another visit so soon!

Love you guys!

Emily said...

And I'm just gonna say it...I'm a little jealous of the thickness of Beka's hair. How much fun that must be to have!

Kimberly said...

Elizabeth - You DO! You DO recognize a pretty little bow on her pretty little head - that one is my favorite. I was just saying to Josh several months back that I was just remembering that handful of bows had actually come from you so, so long ago ... back before we really ever got to chatting online! And another thing - I always grin at how you notice the background and minor details in pics. I look at those things, too. :)

Oh, Emily - after seeing him trying to keep a stiff upper lip and not being able to hold back the tears, it was hard not to cry right along with him. That poor boy was really overcome by emotion that I don't think he understood while it was happening. Oh, poor baby. :( And yeah, I love that shot of Emily and Aaron, too. :)

Amy Faye Brown said...

Thank you for being such a gracious hostess. We loved, loved, loved our time with y'all. Oh, my, word, those children have captured our hearts.
(oh, and, thanks for posting such flattering pictures of my obese self. Makes my walking commitment a whole lot more of a sure thing. Geez.)

Kimberly said...

Obese, nothing! You looked lovely all weekend. But after all the clothes shopping, I'm with you ... time for me to get moving...again!

Memaw said...

A wonderful time was had by all. Thank you Kimberly for putting up with us all and catering to our shopping obsessions ( and eating
obsessions!) Love you all - and miss my babies already.