Mar 8, 2011

Sips 'n Strokes

A number of friends from MOPS and I had a little Moms Night Out at a place called Sips 'n Strokes tonight and I really, really enjoyed it! Tapped right into my artsy, crafty side. It also threatened to throw my type A issues into overdrive but thankfully the instructor reminded us to breathe, drink (yeah right - he must have missed the memo that we were a baptist bunch), and paint with the motto that less is more.  With that in mind, we were off to the races!  A painting entitled "Butterfly Kisses" was the goal.

Somehow, this background and shading was the hardest part!

Getting there...

My Taa Daa moment.

There were about 10 of us there, but these are some of my favorite MOPS girls (my table) ...minus Angel.

It was such a treat - I'm definitely going back again!


Emily said...

Wow!! So much fun ... and yes, I'm sure that totally tapped into your artsy craftsy side....I think I'd do better with a paint by number than at a place like that! :) But you really did a great job!

Kimberly said...

If I can ever get you here or meet you in Birmingham, we are so going to do it. You would be surprised at how doable it is with a little step-by-step instruction.

Elizabeth Bradley said...

I guess I forgot to comment on this yesterday...

This looks like fun... though I'm pretty sure it would freak me out and I just couldn't do it. Even with the step-by-step I might still have issues. :)

Regardless I'm impressed with your painting... and curious where it's going in your house!

Kimberly said...

So far, the guest bedroom ... But I am asking myself the same thing.