Mar 18, 2011

Cutting it Close

Farewell winter.  And with it, farewell to Noah's cold weather coiffure.  It's getting warm and therefore sweaty around here already.  Noah's head is hot enough as it is without a winter coat, too.  It was fun while it lasted, but it was time to move on today after Noah asked for a haircut because his head was itchy.  I ran my fingers through his thick, thick mane, agreed it was time, and took a mental snapshot - ok, and a literal snapshot (two actually) - to mark the occasion.  



Yikes!  I know we gave the lady the same clipper guard lengths as we used last summer, but this - THIS - seems to be cut a leeeeeetle too close!  I'm not gonna fret, though, because his hair grows back so fast anyway, but still - Wow, what a difference.


Amy Faye Brown said...

I am SCREAMING inside for those dearly departed curls! Oh, so, glad that I got to run my fingers through his mane before it was hacked off. Don't blame you, though, because Aaron Brown will be getting ready for the summer with some seriously shorter locks soon, but maybe not that short.
Curls, or no, Noah is still one handsome fella!

Emily said...

Oh wow.....the short hair cut sure does make him look a LOT older. I kinda like it :)