Nov 1, 2010

Just Woke Up

So I just woke about a little before 8 and that's only because Josh made me.  Anna can't supervise herself at her age (pity) and Josh was headed out the door taking Noah to school.  (I know what you're thinking - that Josh is a great husband letting me sleep in like that and a great daddy for taking his boy to school too - and I'd be the first to raise my hand in AMEN to that sentiment, and even more so because he does it a lot).  Anyway, I just woke up and read the news (translation, my blog roll) and that's when I remembered - It's November!  Yay!  

Anna is watching a little Super Why and I just had to get on to her for putting her fingers directly on the tv screen again.  The show is to blame, though.  They ask questions that require audience participation, and that is what the poor girl is trying to do.

Now she is sitting in the toy box chanting "Ish ooo, Ish ooo, Ish OOO."  I've asked her to clarify but all she then says is "Mommy" and points at me.  Is she saying I have ishoos?

Funny morning moment with Anna besides those two things.  I hear the rustling of a diaper.  I look over.  She is leaned as far over as she can in front.  She has pulled her pants open and is digging down the front of her diaper.  "Anna!"  I say.  "What are you doing?  We don't play in our diapers, baby.  Get out.  Do you need to go potty?"  Yeah right.  No.  She takes one last quick hand dive into her diaper and pulls out a matchbox car.  Hilarious!  I did not see that coming.  Might as well have a been a purse.


Laura Koslowsky said...

Was she asking for a tissue or maybe telling you you needed a tissue, having just woken up and all, maybe it looked like you needed one? ;)

Glad she didn't pull something else out of her diaper!

Amy Faye Brown said...

The brothers were on the same page this morning. Mine popped out of bed at 5:30, got the kids up and took them to the bus stop. What was up with that? He's never up before daylight! No complaints here, though!

Anna and the magic diaper! Hey, it could have been a rabbit!

Kimberly said...

Oh my word - You're exactly right! It was a tissue she was asking for. There's a box right next to where I was sitting. Wow, Laura, I am impressed with your translating skills! (and with her nose picking on the sly, my money says she needed one, ha! Or ugh - b/c now there is probably something green and gross at the bottom of the toybox)

Amy - I'm cracking up at the rabbit bit. Too true.

Unknown said...

That's so funny...issues! Love it. Sounds like you have your answer though. The girl needed a tissue. And oh my word...the car out of the diaper! I'm dying here. LOL