Nov 15, 2010

Brown Family Photo

We recently got the proofs from our family photo session and I can't wait to share them as soon as I get my hands on the CD.  But until then, I just couldn't help posting Noah's rendition of our family in all its adorable preschool glory.  It's a first for Noah (as far as Josh or I know) so it's sort of a big deal for us.

He's never ever cared to color or draw and to our knowledge he's never drawn actual people, let alone name them.  Up til now, he's only ever bothered drawing a sun with big circles for eyes.  So his inclusion of actual faces and arms and legs was pretty notable to us. The ghost that is Noah leaves me scratching my head a little, but the boy said that it is him, so I guess I have to accept that.   Artists can be be quirky, I've heard.