Nov 5, 2010

Noah Lately

Noah is all of 4 and a half years old by now.  But he is so short (and cute to boot), that the general public believes otherwise.  It does not surprise us (Noah included) when people ask/guess that he's 3.  It happens multiple times in a week usually.  One of the funniest of these encounters recently was when yet another friendly woman asked him if he was 3 and followed up with how he looked about the age of her grandson, which we hear a lot.  "Nooooo," we said.  "Are you almost 3?" she asked. After I stopped gaping at her suggestion that Noah might still be 2, we said, "Noooooo."   And yet still she followed up with, "Did you just turn 4?"  "Uh, no again."  But thanks for playing. 

Noah's newest buzz word is "doody-head" which I can only surmise he picked up at school.

Noah is selfless to a fault.  When I am trying to teach Anna to share or when I am correcting her for being selfish, Noah jumps back in trying to give her whatever it was she was being selfish with.  He sets a great example, but in so doing, he steals my opportunity to make her practice selflessness.  Noah always beats her to it.  Maybe that's where she gets her grand illusions of entitlement.

Noah is most amused by all the squealing and whimpering Chewie does when we first get home.  He really looks forward to it.  He talks about it as we near home.  And when we are out and about, Noah asks to go home because he misses his Chewie.  He seeks Chewie out first thing in the morning.  And lately, he asks me to come sit with him ... but I suspect it is because Chewie goes where I go and Noah wants Chewie near. Noah says Chewie is his best friend.

When he didn't like the taste of something I made this past week, he said, "Dat meat hurts my tongue."

He asked if he could go outside the other day by hinting, "I just need to go outside to get some fresh air."

He can't understand why we can't fast forward live TV.  And I can't figure out how to explain it to so he can understand.  The hazard of growing up in the age of DVRs.

Noah has gotten noticeably moody and out of sorts when Josh is out of town.  He falls apart easily, seems much more emotional.  This is one big reason we are so looking forward to getting back into education - so that Josh will be home on a regular basis and Noah's days will have that much more stability to them.  A boy needs his daddy.  And his dog.  But really his daddy. :)

I told him we had blueberries in the fridge one afternoon.  His eyes lit up and he exclaimed, "Booberries?! I prayed about booberries!"

No matter how hard I tried, I could not get him to pronounce "tornado" the right way.  He kept calling them "tomatoes." 

Noah's newest ploy for sympathy involves him claiming we have hurt his feelings.  He came by it honest the first time he cried this.  I had yelled, he had hurt feelings, I apologized, and that was that.  But now he insists we have hurt his feelings every time he disagrees with a decision we have made.  This morning's "hurt feelings" came when Josh would not get out of bed to walk Noah back to bed after a nighttime potty run.

I was singing along with a praise song in the car when I put my hand up in worship.  Noah asked me who I was waving at.  God, I told him.

Noah refers to Chewie not as a miniature dachshund, but as a Hundley dog.  Hundley, as in the miniature dachshund that lives in Curious George's building.

Noah is very attached to my ring tone, Stuck Like Glue.  He sings the chorus all the time.  Yesterday at the allergist's office, upon the nurse's request (because it is quite amusing to behold), he belted it out repeatedly in the waiting room for his captive audience.  There's nothing like a round of "woh oh oh oh, Stuck Wike Gwoo" to elicit chuckles and applause.

Noah has the role of David in his Thanksgiving program in a couple weeks.  I managed to pull together a shepherd's costume from a Jedi costume on clearance this week.  We're kind of excited to see him in action.  He even has a line to learn and Josh's slingshot to complete the look.  The last time Noah was in a program he was 1 year old.  It was also for Thanksgiving.  All he did was sit on the stage in a pumpkin costume and clap when he heard everyone else clap, but Josh and I beamed at how well he did it.  And how stinkin' cute he was.  Which, like I pointed out at the beginning of this post, he still has going on. :)


Amy Faye Brown said...

Oh, how I love reading your reflections on your children. It's a good thing Noah lives many hundred miles away from the eldest Brown cousins because they surely would not be a positive influence. I can only imagine them teaching Noah to say something along these lines..."No, doody-head, I'm not 3, I'm almost freakin' 5!" Oh, my children...and pastor's children at that.

Yes, that boy needs his daddy at home. The Brown Boys are aces at fatherhood. And, not that opinion counts in anyway, but I still think Matthew needs to be in the classroom or at least in an influential position on a school campus. He's much too gifted there. So glad a return may be in order.

Kimberly said...

If ever there was a perfect moment for "doody head" it would have been the 2,3,4 lady for sure!

I'm sure they'd pick up a few things from your kiddos. He sure picks up on the burping when Papa John is around. ;)

Oh, for sure, Josh is eyeing an administrative or lab position in the end, but yes, he's not opposed to some more classroom time to get him foot back in the door.

Emily said...

Brooklyn would say "[specific food] hurts my throat.." Because when she had strep for so long we didn't make her eat much because we knew her throat hurt swallowing....however, even now, she'll use that excuse..

and ohhhhh, the age of hurt caught us by surprise too when Brooklyn would say we hurt her feelings...but now she says it too frequently and over silly things, so she's worn it out :) lol.

Laura Koslowsky said...

I am cracking up over the "Hundley hound" expression. So cute! Friends of ours dressed their two little boys up as George and the man with the yellow hat this halloween. It was my favorite costume duo I saw this season.

Kimberly said...

Laura, oh my word - now I so wish WE had thought of those costumes! Such a cute pair! It would have so fit Noah and Anna.

Unknown said...

Noah is a delight! Oh the cuteness I can picture of him singing "stuck like glue". Jacob has only liked one "radio" song and that's "Take me down to the little white church". So funny!

Oh the booberries, cracks me up! I love that he prayed for them.

I want to hug that little guy!

I can't wait to see the play pics.

Kimberly said...

I enjoy these posts even more when I have company like yours to enjoy them all over again with!