Nov 1, 2010

Pop Straws

We completed another fine motor skills activity focusing on pre-scissor skills.  It's called Pop Straws.  Now, to be clear, Noah knows how to use scissors.  But, to be honest, he is just not good at it.  He can hardly keep up with a straight line, let alone cut out curvy lines and shapes.  His teacher has to send some things home for him to finish, it is such a challenge for him to maneuver fingers, paper, and scissors all at once.  So pre-scissor skill builders it is!  I never noticed before (and why would I?), but when you cut them, the straws DO make a popping sound.  Noah loved doing this task.  He cut and cut and cut.

Then, for more fine motor skill practice, we beaded them on pipe cleaners to make bracelets for friends and family.

Then Noah got a bright idea, and we transformed two bracelets into Potato Head glasses with some extra pipe cleaners.  That photo is not included, but they were attractive.  If attractive means scary.

Forgive the ravioli stained nose.  We were busy cutting straws.

1 comment:

Amy Faye Brown said...

Yay, Noah! Yay, for your good mommy!